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Veritas Vos Liberabit *

The Internet's Conservative Journal of Record
Date: 21 May 1999
Federalist #99-20

Mr. Clinton says that he wants the Kosovar refugees returned home
safely. He made the same assertion in Dayton when signing the Bosnia
"peace" accord three years ago. He also said our "peace enforcers"
would be home in a year. But the Bosnian refugees are yet to return to
their homes, and our troops are yet to return to theirs.

Since Mr. Clinton's air war put "ethnic cleansing" in high gear,
SecDef William Cohen says, "We've now seen about 100,000 military-aged
men missing...." He estimates (we believe accurately) that many
thousands have been murdered -- under cover of NATO aggressions.

On the Eastern Front, a cold wind is blowing. In protest of Mr.
Clinton's war on the Serbs, the Russian government has ordered all its
high-ranking military officers in Moscow to sever ties with Western
military officials, ties that served to demonstrate a deep thaw in
East-West relations. It's the making of the sequel -- Cold War, Part-II.

In other news, Mr. Clinton stopped by Littleton, Colorado yesterday,
not willing to let go of this tragedy's political value in his
campaign against the "gun problem." "There's no good reason for a
child to own an AK-47," Mr. Clinton said, which begs the question,
"For what 'good reason' was Beijing arms dealer Wang Jun, whose Poly
Group arms dealership (owned directly by China's People's Liberation
Army) produces and exports the AK-47, Mr. Clinton's guest at one of
his infamous fund-raising 'cafe klatches' at the White House?"

In his radio address last Saturday, Mr. Clinton lamented all the
violence produced in Hollywood. "There is still too much violence [on]
our nation's screens, large and small. Too many creators and purveyors
of violence say there is nothing they can do about it. Those with
greater influence have greater responsibility." That night, he
attended a $25,000-per-couple gathering of Hollywood producers,
directors, and actors, and went to great length to explain he did not
hold "Hollywood" responsible for violence such as that in Littleton.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."