Here's another Senator to keep an eye on

Chuckie "Putzhead" Schumer is well known to gun owners, he needs no introduction. He got into office because of the left wing press here in NY and the labor and teachers unions, and because Republicans did not get out to vote.

As to that "WW2 veteran" and his questions and answers, wonder where he served in the war? Guns have played an important part in our nations history, without private ownership we would not be the country we are today. Just because some jackass doesn"t have a need for something is no reason to do away with it. Firearms provide recreation for many of us and have been used to thwart crimes thousands of times each year. The guy is a misinformed boob, maybe we should have him take a test to see if he meets the qualifications for citizenship.

I have seen similar editorials in the local fishwrap, most are just as vacuous as this geezer's.

Geoff Ross
Oh, we've been demanding action for months, have we Miss Lowey? Funny- I haven't spoken to one single person in several YEARS who was for "tougher gun laws"!!! Where is the "demand for action", Miss Lowey? Have you spoken to anyone at all who "demanded action"? I very much doubt it.

Oh, and excuse me, Mr "WWII veteran", but I do believe that if you want to ask questions of gun-owning citizens, you need to let us answer them ourselves rather than spoon-feeding us your own "pat" answers!! I've had just about all I can stand of these people condescending to us citizens "you're not in the police or military, you don't need a gun". Since when do I have to "need" something to be entitled to purchase it? If we start banning objects that citizens don't "need", that sets a dangerous precedent for other objects as well.

"Today, Sen. Richard Bohica announced that he is introducing legislation to regulate the sale and manufacture of lawn mowers.

'Hundreds of kids each year are hurt when playing on or around lawn mowers. Why do Americans need lawn mowers, I ask? There are plenty of private companies and city services that will do it for you, and it just doesn't make sense in this age of consumer services for anyone to have their own lawn mower. We must protect our children.', said Sen. Bohica in his comments to the press.

The Yard-Maintenance Control Act will come before the general Senate for a vote in early September."

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 13, 1999).]