Here We TGo Again! UGH!


New member

August 5, 1999
Web posted at: 12:45 p.m. EDT (1645 GMT)

PELHAM, Alabama (CNN) -- Three people were shot dead Thursday and a suspect was taken into custody, following shootings at two locations in Pelham, Alabama, about 15 miles south of Birmingham.

Few details were available, but authorities said a 34-year-old suspect from Billingsley, Alabama, was apprehended by police along Interstate 65. The suspect's name was not released, but authorities said they intended to bring a charge of capital murder against him.

I came home for a nice lunch and found this plastered across CNN. My GF(mental health professional) was yelling at the newscaster "It's not the guns, It's the shortage of Prozac!" While it's too early to tell, I have a feeling that this is the start of a new ghoulish fad. Seems like a weekly dose of shoot 'em up. I wish the law-abiding gunowners could do something as a group to help combat this negative press we are all suffering from. Does anybody have any ideas to head off the inevitable "knee-jerk" responses we can expect?
My kneejerk response would be to get a case of .223 and go load up some .38 and .357 soft points. I am taking two co-workers and one of my friends' kids to the range. We can only do what we can...
Yep, it's just been introduced on the nightly TV news here ---

"Coming up next -- more gun madness in America ..."

Think I'll turn it off and keep my blood pressure down

I lived in Alabama for 2 years, most of that time around the city of Birmingham. One year that I was there Birmingham had something like 167 murders. It had the second highest per capita crime rate in America, after DC. While I was there the newspaper ran an article entitled, "If Murder had a Zip Code" with a huge map of the city with little marks for every shooting, stabbing, or bludgeoning. The fact that this shooting has received so much coverage is just a testament to how demented our national news media is.
I believe that there is also an element of rascism involved, whenever it is a white person, shooting other white people in a suburban area (Littleton, Paduka, etc.) there is plenty of coverage. When its some poor guy in the projects getting shot, that certainly wouldn't make the news.
And for you people from Alabama, I lived in Ensley, in NW Birmingham, so I saw plenty of projects, and nobody on the news ever cared who died in there. I think that the coverage of this event is to keep the gun control issue in the spotlight, until the media can find more innocent blood to cry about.