Here We Stand;We Must Not Fail.

Ed Brunner

New member
We know it's coming.The next few weeks well likely see the best organized assualt yet on our RKBA.
We have to stand. We have to use our influence to persuade our friends and relatives that this is the big one.
We have to serve notice on our representatives and this administration that we will not tolerate any further infringement.
Rob said he needs 1200 more signatures on FOUP. If I had the money I'd do it.This is the time for it.Try to sell it.
We cant break the law. We have to make the Constitution serve us.If it doesnt serve us there is no law except God's law and no need for government.
These certainly are interesting times!

Better days to be,

Hey folks, we are all PO'd and short tempered...bickering with each other, picking on cops, the NRA, etc. We can't afford it now.

I heard a blurb: Hollywood is fighting back..."our work isn't at fault, its only fantasy, guns are the real problem...too many, too easy to get, not enough controls"
They are mobilizing, a call to arms as it were....

We have to pull back together, this is likely the deal breaker.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Both of you are dead right. The Hollywood types will get tons of free air time to clear themselves while cursing guns and gunowners. The antis are licking their chops in antisapation of the coming storm.
While I have no problem with debating pros and cons or the real causes of this tragedy among ourselves, Now is a critical time for us to show a united front. Every last one of us MUST contact our legislators right now, before the antis start their campain in ernest. He who hesitates is lost. This is going to be a big one folks. Don't waste time. We don't have any.

There are over 1200 members registered in TFL now. Enough to get FOUP printed and our message heard. For those of you who have not sent your money and supporter form in, do it now. Yeah, 50 bucks is alot of money to most of us, but in the face of what we have to lose, its dirt cheap.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited April 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited April 24, 1999).]
Yes, fifty bucks is a lot of money. One date-low key. A night in a cheap motel. 1/8 of the annual gun range membership at the closest club. One month's electric bill for me (I'm cheap :)) What price freedom?
Grayfox;Being an old man I get some weird ideas. Last night I had a similar idea. We have more than 1200 members.If each member would get one FOUP sponsor-either himself or someone else-we would be over the top.
This puts the project in a different light as it directly connects it to 1200 people.
I dont want to jump into Rob's project but I think it could work.
NOW is the time for the project to have the most effect.What do you think?

Better days to be,

That's exactly my opinion. There's a s**t storm coming and it's going to hit hard! Think about all the past gun laws that cropped up after some tragedy had the sheeple running on emotion, not logic. GCA '68 immediately comes to mind. And of course the antis will come out with the line "Anybody who opposes this new law must be a child hating pervert!"
Now is the perfect time for FOUP, before the storm starts. Maybe we can head some of it off. Get to it, people!
I am one of the pople who promised $50 and had not yet coughed it up. I am *bad* with conventional ,ail (my cousins are still waiting for unsent pictures that I promised half a year ago). However...I resolve to mail the info and the check tomorrow morning. Watch me do it :)

PS: Just brought it to the mailbox. Now I can be holier-than-thou with the rest of you, stragglers :)

PPS: $25 was from cornered rat, $25 from Q.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited April 25, 1999).]
CR;I too have not sent mine,but I will do it.
We have to get ahead of this one or it will be all over before we know it.
Would it surprise you to know that the leglislation and executive orders are already written just waiting for this massacre to happen.
My senators and representative are all pro-gun,but this one will be"for the children".

Better days to be,
