Here we go again........


New member
I seem to have a natural talent for hare-brained ideas.

Anyway, I'm wanting a composite butt-stock and fore-end for my Savage model 1899 take-down. Does anyone know of a stockmaker who would take this project, or am I on my own?

I am usually a "your gun, your choice" kinda guy, but I love classics, and this post has me stuttering and is inducing a t-t-twitch.

Okay I'm joking, but why exactly would you wan't this? It seems perverse, like the time I mounted a modern scope on an octagon barreled lever
I can't find a composite, but Boyd's makes a laminate and offers some really nice color options for a reasonable price.

Why?? You ask. Well, the short answer is I wanted a backpacking rifle that was kind of unique. So, an 1899 take-down in less than collectible condition. Shorten barrel to 16.5", replace butt-stock and fore-end, Cerakote exterior metal................and, Voila!

I also like that it's chambered in .303 savage.

I'm not ruining a classic, I'm saving a rifle that would otherwise be on it's way to the parts bin in short order.
Building a synthetic stock requires a mold. A mold can cost thousands of dollars and you'd need to sell hundreds of stocks just to break even. I doubt if this is practical.
gun stock

just a thought,have you look at boyds gunstocks? I am looking at thier nutmeg composite stock to git rid of the awful plastic stock on my savage axis lefty bolt 3006
4V50 Gary

Thank you, but I fell in love with the laminated options Boyd's offers.

I'll post a pic when it's finished, especially if it looks as good in real life as it does in my mind. :rolleyes: