Here we go again. Another shooting.

Well, it's obvious what needs to be done.

Ban shotguns.

Ban BDUs.

And get the Feds to shut down Albertson's.

For the children, of course.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
What a tragedy! Not only in lives, but in timing!

Not to bad mouth Albertson's; they do not allow their employees to carry while working in the store.

Fortunately, I'm sub-contracted by them, so that rule doesn't apply.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
It just came through here on the radio as:

"There's been another mass shooting in America ....."

Kiss goodbye to your pump actions as well as your semi-autos.

So far, I have only seen three 20 sec. spots on TV. One on ABC national news, one on MSNBC, one on the local news.

I was in an Albertson's today, picking up a prescription. If the former Marine had been pulling this stunt there, and I had terminated him post-haste with my trusty G26, the newspapers would have reported "Armed Citizen Averts Mass Shooting", right? Right. It seems that selective reporting of facts is being pushed into actual deception. Ugh!

Likewise here. Guess cuz kids weren't involved its not news.

Interestingly, they spent an inordinate amount of time on the air crash. Looks like they are going to slam the dead pilot for poor judgement, etc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
don't ya' know DC, it's always the pilots fault. they were saying this morning something about the flaps wasn't working right, butb them added that the control tower
told the pilot a couple of time about how bad the weather was. so, yep, it's gonna be his fault....

fiat justitia