Here is the plan to disarm


New member
The following information is extracted from a Paper on the Shooting Sports Association of Australia web site. once there go to
then go to the Workshop Report"Regional Workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons.
The American Reps listed are: Godnick, Bill-PrepCom, Monterey, California, USA
Laurance, Dr. Edward-PrepCom, Monterey, California, USAMcMahon, Bill-PrepCom, Monterey, California, USA.
This is only a brief summary, I suggest you go there and read the article. Does anyone know anything about the above individuals or the Monterey Institute of International Studies.
"Since November 1997 when the meeting began in Washington, D.C., where more than 75 NGOs (I think the abb. stands for non-governmental official), individuals and government officials met to discuss the issue of small arms and light weapons, and the possibility of developing a global campaign on small arms and light weapons. 'The aim of such a campaign would be to build on the lessons and successes of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL). As a result of the meeting in Washington DC, a web site called the Preparatory Committee for the Global Campaign on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PrepCom) was estalished in January 1998. The Prep Com web site is physically located and staffed at the Monterey Institute of International Studies."

Issues and Priorities: "...the participants distilled a set of causes, principles, objectives and strategies for a potential regional campaign."
Causes of the problem:
*Poverty, underdevelopment and inequality: Profitability for arms dealers, traffickers, governments and manufacturers.
*Popularity of gun ownership in relation to status and identity.
*Human insecurity and fear.
*Lack of good governance and impunity
*Availability of weapons
*Increased privatisation of security.
*State capacity (or lack thereof) to protect its own citizens.
*Political transitions.
*Failure to demobilise, disarm and reintegrate ex-combatants.
*Shortcomings and failures of international interventions in peace processes.
*Lack of respect for human life.
*Globalisation of the international economy and organised crime.

Guiding principles for a campaign put forth:
*there should be no distinction between legal and illegal weapons.
*Human security, good governance, development and social justice are primary considerations.
*The state and civil society must co-operate.
*Any movement on this matter should be broad based and inclusive.
*Conflicts must be resolved through non-violent means.
*The public at-large needs reliable and accurate information regaring small arms and light weapons as well as their social consequences.

Proposed objectives:
*Disarm civilians.
*Stop the spread(proliferation) of arms.
*Reduce the number of arms in circulation.
*Raise public awareness.
*Work with regional organisations.
*Stigmatise gun ownership.
*Stop misuse of arms among civilians and state officials.
*Reduce defence expenditures.
*Reduce weapons production.
*Stop civilian deaths and casualties.
*Manage and control weapons in military/government inventories and under civilian possession.
*Encourage and form national campaigns.

Proposed Strategies:
*Work with existing regional, national and local organisations and initiatives.
*Carry out focused research on the topic.
*Link problem to money laundering and organized crime.
*Monitor and expose those governments that violate existing national and local laws as well as internation resolutions.
*Raise awareness via education, medial campaigns and seminars.
*Develope indigenous leadership prior to any campaign at local and national levels.
*Develope national campaigns, increase networking.
*Enhance credibility of campaing objectives.
*Initiate weapons collection and destruction campaigns.
*Work toward accountable/professional state security services.
*Direct specific programs toward youth at risk
*Build coalitions tht include NGOs and community groups from health, development, gender, child development and environmental perspectives.
*Support capacity building for border control efforts.
*Develop strategies for different stakeholders(internation organisations, NGOs, government and religious groups)

Sounds innocent enough does't it: READ IT AGAIN. Do you recognise anything familiar about the campaign?

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 21, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 21, 1999).]
Here is more info

Prep Com is an Internet community of NGOs and individuals
dedicated to preparing for a global campaign to alleviate the
problems associated with the proliferation, accumulation and
misuse of small arms and light weapons. /

(this Prepcom URL is main page and works...the ones I had were from last March and don't exist any longer)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited June 21, 1999).]
NGO is a 'non-governmental organization' as I recall. Usually I've seen this in relation to international environmental conferences.

This is an interesting thread, since it has appeared to me that the 'peace' movement underlies a great deal of the anti-self defense lobby.

IMHO, as long as we have bar fights we'll have wars.

If the efforts of Prep Com and their allies were simply to encourage peace, that would be fine and dandy. World peace is a great objective. But, it becomes a cynical attack on civil rights when it depends upon coercion and stripping people of their right to self defense.

Unfortunately, they are incredibly naive. For example, wouldn't the 20th Century have been more comfortable if Hitler and Stalin knew about '*Work toward accountable/professional state security services'? And, of course we'll never see people like Adolf and Joe again, right? ;)
Our gov't as it stands this instant refuses accountability

So, we give up our guns and they have the only do we insure and enforce accountability then? With votes? They don't listen now, hell if we squawk too much whats to prevent them from suspending elections?
And this is our gov't....we don't even have any say in what goes on at the UN.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
URL works, quite an impressive list of signatures (118) on their petition. Didn't recognize any names except Mickey Mouse at Disney?
The NRA is an NGO to the UN, in the UN discussion-panel meetings about universal disarmament. (Don't remember which part of the UN is striving for elimination of all non-government weapons.) From time to time the NRA reports on what's going on, what's being discussed...

Actually, the NRA is the reason why NGO's have a voice....

Originally this was a Japanese/Canadian ruled UN deal....NRA got wind and made a stink, thus the UN relented and allowed NGO involvement. Its a 2 edged sword, but at least the NRA pulled the rock up and let some light in. We do owe NRA a great deal of thanks for exposing the inner workings of the UN on this.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"