Here is comes (again) -- It's the Gun Industry's Fault


New member
> "It’s time to go on the offensive with new measures that empower
> individuals to hold irresponsible and negligent gun industry actors to
> account, crack down on shameful advertising that targets our kids and
> more," Newsom said at the time. "This is not about attacking law-abiding
> gun owners – it’s about stopping the tragic violence ravaging communities
> across the country."

Pleeeese don't tell me how it won't, it can't, it can never happen in the real Courts....
The mob is being rallied, the message incited and the torches handed out.
Even if deflected, such mobs leave trail of destruction in their wake.


The truth, of course, is that Newsom and the like have aided/abetted/and created a society -- people -- who are the problem,
and crippled the Law Enforcement arms of gov't who are now the only remaining protection.
But I repeat myself
Newsom said at the time. "This is not about attacking law-abiding
> gun owners...

I'm afraid it is about attacking law abiding gun owners...

– it’s about stopping the tragic violence ravaging communities
> across the country."

Also not true. If it were about stopping the violence, finding, catching, and removing from society those PEOPLE committing the violence would be the priority.

Based on their actions (not their statements) apparently its not the priority.
I'm afraid it is about attacking law abiding gun owners...

Also not true. If it were about stopping the violence, finding, catching, and removing from society those PEOPLE committing the violence would be the priority.

Based on their actions (not their statements) apparently its not the priority.

It has never been the priority of gun control to stop criminals. If anything, gun control seeks to control and criminalize gun owners.
you can thank the supreme court for refusing to rule on a similar law in Texas empowering individuals to sue abortion providers for providing abortions past a certain time period.Expect a lot more type of laws like this across the country on a variety of issues.
> "It’s time to go on the offensive with new measures that empower
> individuals to hold irresponsible and negligent gun industry actors to
> account, crack down on shameful advertising that targets our kids and
> more," Newsom said at the time. "This is not about attacking law-abiding
> gun owners – it’s about stopping the tragic violence ravaging communities
> across the country."

Pleeeese don't tell me how it won't, it can't, it can never happen in the real Courts....
The mob is being rallied, the message incited and the torches handed out.
Even if deflected, such mobs leave trail of destruction in their wake.


The truth, of course, is that Newsom and the like have aided/abetted/and created a society -- people -- who are the problem,
and crippled the Law Enforcement arms of gov't who are now the only remaining protection.
But I repeat myself
The problem is simple to define; go to the DOJ statistics on crime by race, and there is the answer. Take it further and cross-reference IQ by race, and the results are proof positive. Those that deny the truth in the numbers are aiding the problem. Blaming firearms is an outright lie; this is a people problem.
If it were about stopping the violence, finding, catching, and removing from society those PEOPLE committing the violence would be the priority.

Holding the folk responsible for the acts is getting some attention here in the Twin Cities. Many of the folk here committing 'gun violence' have extensive criminal histories and are ALREADY on probation or out on bail and a right-wing news source ( is starting to connect criminals with the JUDGES that give them probation or set low bail.

Note: MOST judges here run unopposed...that may change. There is currently a bill that would set up a database so you could get info about criminals, there sentences and the judges that sentenced them. This is all public info but the database would make it much more convenient to access.
Monday’s arrest was not [Dandrae] Martin’s first brush with the law. In 2014, he was convicted of inflicting corporal injury on a spouse, according to court records reviewed by The Daily Beast. In 2016, he was convicted on state charges in Arizona for aggravated assault and domestic violence by impeding breathing, and was convicted two years later on one count of criminal damage in addition to a marijuana violation, The Sacramento Bee reported.

He was also being held Monday on an outstanding warrant from Riverside County....

p.s.... also felon illegally possessing a firearm.
mehavey said:
p.s.... also felon illegally possessing a firearm.

So obviously we need to establish background check kiosks throughout our cities so criminals people who wish to make personal, face-to-face sales of firearms on dark street corners late at night can conduct the appropriate background checks to ensure that they aren't selling to a career felon prohibited person.
Pleeeese don't tell me how it won't, it can't, it can never happen in the real Courts..

Not going to happen. The Protection in Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) was passed to outlaw those nuisance lawsuits. There's a long history behind it, and gun-control advocates have been trying to chip away at it for two decades.

But there aren't the votes to repeal it, so it's just empty rhetoric.

Banning "assault weapons" and magazines? Universal background checks? California already does that.
Not going to happen. The Protection in Lawful Commerce
in Arms Act (PLCAA) was passed
We keep saying that.... hoping it to be so.
But that is exactly what Biden is looking to create enough groundswell -- enough "feel the pain" mob mentality -- to change,

As to banning "certain weapons..." already done once. Enough lemmings turned toward the sea, do it again.

"Votes" is a fluid commodity, and quite mob responsive.
especially when riders to "otherwise popular bills" are used.

post: It's always interesting to read the history of how quickly the worm turns

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But that is exactly what Biden is looking to create enough groundswell -- enough "feel the pain" mob mentality -- to change,

A lot of that public groundswell of opinion is guided and shaped by how the media identifies and refers to various laws. They give a law a "popular name" which may or may not have anything to do with the actual content of the law, and/or they constantly use an incorrect and misleading definition of what the law actually does.

In this case, the PLCAA is constantly misrepresented in the press and by politicians to further their own agendas. We constantly are told that the PLCAA means gun makers cannot be sued. This is not the truth. Yet it is what the public is being told, virtually every time the subject is mentioned.

lacking the truth, people will believe the lie...

Newsom is just repeating his version of the lie, to pander to his gun control supporters and to the ignorant and under educated public who doesn't know any better.

He's blaming gun makers for the criminal acts of others who misuse a legal product. If there's a single word about actually catching those criminals and putting them in prison for good, I haven't seen it.

Might as well hold farmers responsible for mass shootings, I'm pretty sure everyone who pulled a trigger ate FOOD.....

Or hold the Catholic church (or whatever faith you hold) responsible for a tree falling on your car, it was, after all, an act of God.... :rolleyes:

Point here is that all the public is being offered is the anti's point of view, and their claim that it will be the solution to "gun violence" (which is their made up BS term anyway) and to date, NONE of their "solutions" has worked. Some have had just the opposite effect.
Update from today's news, two of the people arrested in connection with the Sacramento shooting are prohibited persons with multiple felony and DV convictions legally barring them from possessing firearms.

I fully expect anyone else they arrest for the shooting will be in the same legal grouping.

Despite this being a constant theme when they arrest people in connection with "gun violence" (convicted felons, often on parole, etc) the mantra being pushed on the public is NOT getting criminals off the streets its about gun control and lately "punishing" gun makers.

I can understand how people so out of touch with reality get into office, (fool me once...etc.,) what I can't get is how they remain and retain being in office.
Pretty simple. The average voting citizen is ignorant - by design of the agenda-driven mass media they subject themselves to.
Justice Department statistics show that nearly 24,000 ghost guns were
recovered by law enforcement at crime scenes and reported to the
government from 2016 to 2020.

I'm having a very difficult time believing that statement.
Anyone have any corroborating sources... one way or other ?
I don't have any statistics, and I wouldn't know where to look for them. But let's look at it:

2016 to 2020 -- I'm going to take that as including five years of statistics. So 24,000 / 5 = 4,800 per year.

If we include Washington, DC, as a "state, we have 51 state-level jurisdictions. 4,800 / 51 ==> 94 "ghost" guns per state, per year. That's less than 2 per week per state. That's conceivable, IMHO. It's also hardly the tsunami the anti-gun folks are making it out to be.
They lack serial numbers, which can allow law enforcement agencies to track them and enforce background checks. And they are essentially available in plastic, which can bypass metal detectors.

Saw this from NBC News (web) thing you know, they'll be telling us about exploding pickup trucks....:rolleyes: