Here is another scenario :-)

model 25

New member
Well he is your local Meth head and needs more money to supply his habit. His mind is bent but still devious enough to have cut up some steel belted radials to make into a poor mans bullet proof vest. See he knows that there are more armed citizens out there and if the shooting starts he has a suprise for them. He has his stolen 22 LR pistol with him.

See he is a three time loser and won't let any witnesses survive and he is determined to get his meth today with you the intended target. You are on the street with no family and no backup and the light is poor at best.

Now tell us what you are carrying and how you will handle this situation with what YOU CARRY not what you would carry.

Have fun:D :D

edited to add firearm
I'd start my car and drive away. I might even beep merrily at him as I motored past at a safe 35mph.
Uh... Assuming he can corner me and posses a threat great enough that I feel I must employ deadly force... I'd do the same thing as if in a similar situation the local serial murderer, wearing concealed ceramic plate armor capable of deflecting AP 30-06, decided my head would look good over his mantle --- I'd fire several (3-6) .45 acp rounds from my 1911 to his center of mass and when I realized he was not stopping his threat immediately, I'd move the POA to his head - or pelvis, depending on circumstances.

Once a leathal force level defensive reaction is forced, there isn't much change to be made wether the threat is a smelly hobo or AK waiving terrorist. There are some that would provoke a thoughtful reaction, but this one isn't it.

Boy, I hate scenarios...:D

I carry a 4 inch K frame .38 everyday with a couple of speedloaders. My best bet in this scenario is to empty the gun and try to reload.

I seriously doubt I'll get into this predicament, but I don't think there's any other option at this point.

If it's your's your time...
A good

tracer round would probably light up the steel belted radial... latern fuel or what ever they use in processing meth would probably help with this... then you would be able to see your target better.
Not enough info about the confrontation.

However, about the vest - that's a yawn - quality training teaches quick failure to stop drills. Deal with it.
My carry gun would likely be a Model 38 with 5 rounds of Federal HydraShoks in my right pants pocket. I seem to be carrying that more and more these days.

If I let a junkie with a bunch of tires hanging off him get that close, as in contact/robbery distance, then I screwed up. At any rate, I will get one hand on his gun to deflect it and close in tight while drawing my own gun from my pocket. The first two rounds will likely not penetrate his makeshift vest, although I will be putting them into his torso from under his arm. The third shot will likely penetrate his skull through his lips, teeth and upper palette, or at least knock him senseless if he has a gorilla skull or I have no muzzle velocity. If it just knocks him senseless, then I escape.

After that, it's time to check for his buddies, and call 911.
I would be carrying .380 or 9mm most likely with 7x.380 or 9x9mm.

Two to the torso, no effect changes my target to the face. Two shots, no effect or no hit changes my target to pelvis. Fire dry and reload while trying to retreat to cover.

If I need to / am able to shoot with the second mag, I am going to try for gun-hand shoulder while attempting to close to hand combat distance. Fire dry, drop the gun and break both arms of the subject.
Steel radials are no match for a pointy stick!

No really... I drove over one and needless to say spent 20 minutes with a scissor jack and a tire iron. :o

PS. Oh uh... Give him my meth, and talk about the new Dr Dre CD.

PSS. I suppose 15 x 9mm untill something happens.
Wonder if a looser like that is using retreads. :D For his improvised vest to be bullet resistant he'd be weighed down some. If I'd see some weird bulk advancing me, I'd just go the other way.

Reminds me of the old Michelin man. Dream another one up, that's really funny!
Are we talking skinny "crack head" sized junky or bulked up " just got out of the pen" type dope head? If the former, I'd probably bum rush him and knock the gun out of his hands knowing that his ass probably didnt even bother to load the dam thing; then open up a can of Extra Strength Beat Down on him. If the later, I would compliment him on his handmade deffensive atire, attempt to get in my vehicle and drive off while dialing 911. If cornered, aim for the head.
After carefully considering the type of threat and weighing the consequences, I have come to the conclusion that I would uh, shoot the guy. I carry a USP .45 compact, since that was part of the question. :eek:

+1 Stratus, although it would probably be my Bersa Thunder .380.

And for the record, I wouldn't let myself BE on the street in that situation in the first place. Not real strategic thinking at the front end....

I agree with XavierBreath, if I let a guy wearing goodyear body armor that close I need to pay more attention to what's going on. However if he is that close I'm going 2 or 3 rounds(165 gr. cor-bon .45 acp) center mass and if that doesn't work everything else to the head.
keep your pistol in hand pocket of jacket
(in ya hand, of course):) youll get the first shot
small auto or even better, hammer shrouded revolver

winter is the safest time

almost wish i could wear a big jacket 24/7
are you saying he has tires strapped around his torso, like the michelin man? and he has a .22lr pistol?

i think i'd put on my Boots of Escapement and scurry away.