Here is a list of sponsors from the week of the anti gun A&E special

Jason Demond

New member
Met-life *
Targon **
Wall Street Journal **
Midas ***
ATT ***
Keebler *
Nissan ******
Trident *
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter **
IBM ****
Lenscrafters *****
York pepper mint candy *
Chevy ****
10-10-321 Telecom USA **
Fed Ex *
Bousch & lomb *
Saturn **
First Union *
Disney *****
Lays Potato chips **
Discover **
Compuserve ***
E.P.T *
Folgers *
Texaco *
Visa *
Touchstone ***
Polident **
J.P. Morgan *
American Express *
Geico Direct **
Michlen Tires **
GE ** *
A&E *************

The stars are the number of times the commercials run in the five hours of the A&E Guns in American Special.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
In all fairness, do you think the sponsors knew it would be anti-gun? It wasn't advertised in program guides like that. I don't know a lot about the advertising business but are sponsors aware of a show's content before it aires?


Precision Crafted
Kydex Holsters
A lot of these guys are regular sponsors of all A&E programs...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


The Wall Street Journal has always had unbiased coverage of the firearms industry. They have run editorials arguing that the suits against manufacturers are baseless, and bear no relation to tobacco suits.
I think that most advertisers still think A&E is a "prestige" network, that the clientele is above average, thus making them a good demographic to market to. When I griped to Hormel about sponsoring Rosie O'Donnell, they told me they just bought blocks of time and didn't scrutinize the content. I reminded them of all the money they expend to protect/preserve/improve the company image and the damage one air-head can do it. It may not be out of line to gently remind any of these sponsors that A&E is apparently joining the other three networks by airing controversial subjects in a biased manner. I intend to tell some of them the same thread I told Hormel. It seems to me to be a corporate cop-out saying "Oh, we just just buy time without considering it's content". You can bet if A&E glorified homosexuality or some other aberrant behaviour, the sponsors would yank their ads in a minute. Perhaps we can make corporate America just a LITTLE more sensitive as to what they do with their advertising money.
Read the Wall St. Journal. IBM, VW, Subaru(especially), Phillip Morris, Naya water (Coke), and many others are actively seeking Gays w/ their advertising. Also, gun prices are going up 3-7% this year to pay for lawsuits.
Didn't watch all the A&E junk, just enough to prompt me to send a $50 donation to the NRA.

Ralph in In.
I watched all 5 segments, and thought that the pro gun coverage was better than most other programs. It seemed to me that it pointed out that Drugs were at the root of most all violent gun encounters. I thought that the remarks by the LEO were right on as far as everyone being able to carry for protection. When I received my first carry permit, in the 60s the sheriff told me "This is a permit to carry,not to use". He should have added-unless needed..
Wishbone, I thought the first segment was pretty good, but gave up about 3 minutes into the second. Overall, what percentage do you think was good for our cause, what % neutral, what % anti?
Oatka, maybe we can discuss this over a beer sometime. Or I'll have a beer, and you can have a prune juice! :D
Ewok. With a Metamucil chaser. [g] Old Unix/4GL programmer. First part of A&E show OK, I lasted a few minutes longer on the second. Didn't watch the rest. At 20% a show that gives the antis an 80-20 edge. Josef Goebbels would be proud.