Here is a case where the robbers burst in and just opened fire


A Chicago police officer working a second job as security for the store was killed.

One of the robbers had a Tec-9, the officer drew his weapon but was hit several times and died before he got off a shot.

The store owner elected not to install bullet proof glass, I'm not sure if Officer Lewis had any cover he could have used anyway.

Short of having body armor, I'm not sure what he could have done.
Base on their stealing his items only, wondering if it's possible they were targeting him and not the store itself ... might have seen him there on a previous visit, for example. Nothing that scum like this does surprises me anymore ...
Dean1818: Its a sad occurance, but again proof that criminals ignore gun laws

Criminals especially ignore the law in Chicago where law abiding citisens have to rely only on the police. Reminds me of the criminal who was killed by two law officers at a train station in Dallas, back on Dec 7, 2011. That criminal boarded the train to Chicago. Guess he did not realize he was not supposed to be armed in Chicago. Two civilians were in the cross fire, and hit by shots from law enforcement. I refuse to ever go to Chicago.:(
Base on their stealing his items only, wondering if it's possible they were targeting him and not the store itself ... might have seen him there on a previous visit, for example.

That was my thought when I read about this..... somebody linked it in the Wendy's thread to illustrate that "Armed Citizen CCW" does not guarantee a good outcome....... I think that the fact that only cops and robbers in Chicago have guns made this guy a conspicuous target (clean cut guy who regularly hangs out in the local convenience store, must be a cop working security, so he must have a gun...... thugs like guns, and a badge would be a bonus, ergo- he's a target. ....... and this further underlines the point that cops can't protect you, as they can't even protect themselves.
Scary occurrance. It sounds as if he was the target since they didn't take anything else.There may be more to the story than what we will ever know publicly but it appears like an intended hit, not so much a robbery. Why take his badge? Strange story.

In the Phillipines, for banks, they have a security guard outside with a 12 ga shotgun, and two inside likewise with revolvers and shotguns. The door is locked and the second security guard inside opens and closes the door for each customer with bullet proof glass all around. My brother in law was a bank manager over there. We may end up having to place the same sort of security measures here in the states if episodes like this become more common.
Because of Illinois gun laws, police officers sort of have the market cornered when it comes to hiring armed gaurds.

I don't know how hot it was in the store, but a bullet-resistant vest is the one thing the officer had control over. I don't know where he was shot, but I think a vest would have helped. It is the one piece of equipment that requires no reaction time and very little training on the user's part for it to be effective. The store had been targeted before for robbery, there was a good chance that it would be targeted again - that's why the officer was hired in the first place.

Maybe he made the mistake of thinking that him just being there armed was going to prevent another robbery attempt.
This happens to a lot of security guards in the area. The bad guys are usually just looking for a gun. They will rob the guard either way but if they look like they'll put up a fight they just shoot. it happened at aldis and then the same guys used that gun to kill and rob another guard at a different aldis.

The bangers in Joliet watch to see where cops live and break into their houses and steal their guns. It happened to two guys I know last year. I make sure to always put a jacket on over my security uniform and make sure my gun isn't visible when I'm walking from my car to my house.

Very scary though. These guys barely have time to get their guns out. It scares me cuz where I work we wear level three holsters and are mandated to keep the chamber empty. The trade off is that I'm not in A liquor store in the hood, but in an office building.
Count, Mike, you guys are on the ground there. In your opinion, would these thugs continue to do this if there was a good chance the only gun there would not be the one their target has?

If there was a strong CCW law law with Florida style legal protections for Citizens using deadly force?

I know the powers that be in Mordor are unlikely to allow this to happen, but if such were the case ..... I think the thugs would be more careful, as I don't see this sort of stuff happening anywhere else.
If it was not revenge for some prior police work by the off-duty officer, then they just wanted his gun or just wanted to kill. Next time on jury duty, remind me to vote to acquit anyone who kills a bad guy by shooting them in the back while running away, laying wounded on the floor, going back in and reloading, stealing a slice of pizza, whatever anyone wants to call a disproportionate response. I'm giving a very big benefit of the doubt to us decent folks.

I definitely think CCW would help in some situations. But in the case of a robbery like this or the ones at Aldis, they are taking places in extremely poor neighborhoods. Usually the process for a CCW license is expensive and requires a clean record and almost anyone that would have been in any of these locations would probably not be able to obtain one.

As for not seeing things like this anywhere else, I think a lot of people severely underestimate just how decimated some of these neighborhoods are. It goes far beyond gun laws on the West and South sides of Chicago, they are completely hopeless. The crime is so rampant that every police officer has calls stacked 5 or 6 deep, and the gangs are recruiting out of elementary schools and literally control the neighborhoods.

TL;DR, Chicago is a warzone.

But obviously stuff like this happens in other places too, where it is far more likely that a potential CCW holder would be present. Such as this recent robbery in a nice suburb about 30 miles southwest of the city:
It suggests to me that the robbers came just to steal the weapon from the officer. Perhaps that was the plan in a nutshell.
SecurityMike--the situation in southern Chattanooga is nearly identical. The difference is it's a much smaller town--but has one of the highest shootings/murder rates in the country. The BGs are very well armed (I hear them doing target practice openly in the city with high-capacity magazines weekly)--I'm beginning to think that having a CCW really is inadequate if you can't go full combat body armor and have a hardened site for defensive position if you live/work in an area like this. The police department recently purchased 30 AR15's to deal with the escalation in violent crime. Once you are targeted by gangs, they are relatively fearless when and where they go after you. If the target is in a crowd--they will shoot indiscriminately into the crowd not caring if others are hit in the pursuit of the target.
There was a thread on the increasing militarization of the police - I think it got closed. But I do think it's interesting that the response in Southern Chattanooga - or maybe it's just the most publicized response, is getting more weaponry.

For the shooting in Chicago, I think the fact that they took the officer's badge might have indicated that they intended to pose as a police officer for a subsequent crime - I don't know.

I am not sure CCW law would have deterred this - they were going after an armed person to start with, they would have had to fear that the clerk would also be armed and would open fire, and it sounds to me like they were prepared to kill anyone in the store who gave them any trouble.

I think the two issues it raises with me is making yourself a target for crime with open carry and again - the issue of the utility of body armor.
A well-liked sergeant, father and long-time veteran of the force was engaged and killed by an itinerant last year who had an assault rifle and was wearing body armor. I know there are at least a couple of AK/SKS's in the hood being fired--I just hope the AR's the police get are up to the task.
At a press conference today, Chicago Police Department Supt. Garry McCarthy said that both of the offenders were armed, one with a pistol and the other a weapon that appeared on video to be a TEC-9. He also said that Lewis, who was standing behind the counter, drew his own weapon and was "subsequently shot."

I'm sorry - the original story doesn't say they came in shooting. Did I miss that? I could have.

If they came in and he drew - that's a different take.
Obviously it's all speculation, but it sounds like a major failure of Situational Awareness.

"Both offenders were wearing masks when they entered the location...."

How do you not arm yourself when two masked individuals approach the store?

It SEEMS like he must not have been paying much attention.
With no disrespect, obvious drawing is a mistake. One gets to cover or concealment (at best). Drawing in the open against drawn guns is risky.

Now, I've seen it done if the gun holder is distracted or freezes in training. In the real world, may not be the first plan. You would need to outside their awareness.

Hindsight of course is always better than foresight with the front sight.

So is there another report that shows they walked in shooting. If not, I wish that folks wouldn't overinterpret incidents.