Here comes at least one "October surprise"

David Roberson

New member
I will bet the mortgage money that sometime between now and the election on 7 Nov, our president will tell us that we have identified the location of terrorists associated with the USS Cole bombing and there will be some sort of military action taken against the site (probably an airstrike against another aspirin factory or similar facility). Slick, with The Evil Al Gore standing by his side, will make some sort of pompous statement about the need for a unified front against terrorism and will ask the American people to support him.

Anybody envision any different scenarios?

Also, I noted with interest that this weekend's much-repeated story that the bombing was done by a Zodiac boat (a claim immediately dismissed a lie on some of BBs I read) were admitted to be false in today's New York Times. I wonder what else we've been told about this incident is false as well...
David, I've been thinking the same thing. While not usually given to conspiracy theories, I've learned that _anything_ is possible with Clinton. I wouldn't even be surprised if he somehow engineered this.

Cohen was on one of the Sunday shows, though, and the reporters were really grilling him about whether or not our military is up to the levels required for our current deployments.

But I'm still waiting for Clinton/Gore to pull another rabbit from the hat.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.
I think Rush said this one his radio program today... something to the effect...

"all of you aspirin factory workers in any given third world country should take a few days off until Klinton has shot all his missles"
Why do I keep thinking "Remember the Maine" everytime I hear about the USS Cole?

"If there be treachery, let there be jihad."
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
You think klinton really has the balls to declare an "emergency" and then martial law? I think I need to get the phone number for ML to get the scope on the size of his balls; she should know. I've heard rumors about this and that but I think that it will come up after nov. 7th. If bore gets it.. no "surprise" but if GW gets it.. I'll be glued to my computer until Jan 01. I've heard that he (heir klinton) will be moving to England or some other socialist country and then get a UN position. No better way to run the U.S. then to be top dog in the UN. I have watched heir klinton talk about the attack on the USS Cole and it sickens me the sound bites that he's issued so far. He could possibly care less about the lives of those men; probably worries more about how much the Navy will ask for to repair the hull of the ship. Just ask the TRT team what klinton did during the time that the bodies of our BRAVE young men were being sent home.. he was at a fund raiser in Denver. Probably joked about the issue but we weren't privy to what went on in that room. I wouldn't put anything past him (the current rat in office) but I will tell you this... I am waiting to see what rabbit (or rat) is going to be pulled out of the hat. should be interesting to say the least.


*I wonder how large my fbi file is now? Would be interesting to know. Oh well.
I think it is a crying shame that we have a Commander-in Chief of whom we could even entertain such thoughts. Isn't it disgusting to even thonk about it?

If he was willing to take out a two-tent aspirin factory to divert attention from Monica opening her mouth for the independent counsel, what do you think he/they would do to defeat George W. Bush?

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,
