Henry Pump 22


New member
Been on my short list for quite a while. Actually ever since they introduced them. I finally spent some of my extra "fun fund" money, and rewards cards on one. I knew full well that the action is quite stiff. So much that because of last shoulder and elbow injuries it's near impossible for me to operate it while shouldered.
Just wondering how long it takes to loosen up?
I don't know. My Henry has had about 100 rounds through it and the pump effort doesn't seem to be much different. I've considered polishing the cocking point on the hammer, but I will probably just let it wear in.

If you're interested, DIP (DIProductsInc.com) makes a machined, aluminum trigger guard which can replace the plastic factory trigger guard. It's a nice upgrade for about 22$.
Never heard of a Henry with a stiff action. But I have never read a review on that gun either.

I had a Remington 22 pump, I forget the model number but I hated the "sproing" sound it made in your ear when you fired it. It didn't stay around too long.
The action of the Henry Pump 22 is very similar to Henry's lever action 22 design. In fact, when you pump the action, you can see the rotation of the pivot that is a portion of the lever on the lever gun.

Unfortunately, the mechanical advantage of the operating slide against the action lever is much less in the pump design. While the Henry lever is very smooth, the pump will require more effort to operate.

Not sure how much easier it might become to cycle the Henry pump with use. But I wouldn't expect it to reach the ease and smoothness of the lever action.

For pump action smoothness, it's tough to beat a Winchester model 61. The model 62 was great as well. But both are long out of production and very pricey now.

Enjoy the Henry.
I bought one used and have no idea number of rounds that had been through it before I got it though it was in pretty good shape. Between myself and my sons, I have no idea number rounds that have been put through it since we’ve had it, but it’s been a bunch.
Ours is still not what I would call smooth, but few pumps really are.
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I purchased a Henry Pump shortly after they hit dealer shelves, I gave it to a friend for their son’s first .22 at Christmas. It was given with the understanding the boy’s parents take credit for the gift, not the old guy down the street.
Some five or six years later I had occasion to fire a couple of magazine full and found the pump action to be smooth and accurate. I was told quite a few rounds had gone down the pipe and the boy loved the rifle, he is now entering adulthood and the pump has a lot of leisure time. Maybe his boy will one day receive Dad’s .22 for his own.
I've had one since they first came out. Action on mine felt only a bit stiff. Only thing that bothered me, was the fore arm stock, with the grooves. One of these days, I will smooth them up a bit, but it is not high on the priority list.

I also bought a new a Remington pump. The action was only marginally smoother than the Henry. It is the higher grade model and I like it quite a bit. To choose between it and the Henry? I wouldn't! All guns are different with likes and dislikes!