Henry .22 mag scope recommendations


The Henry's are not very big rifles, and a full size centerfire scope seems odd on one to me (looks wise) and a bit clunky as well. Leupold mfg's a pair of compact scopes, intended for rimfires. I'd look at their rimfire compact model, the Leupold fixed 4x, maybe since your rifle is a .22 mag, a 2-7x rimfire compact. The rimfire models sell a bit cheaper than the std centerfire Leupold's seems to me.

If you don't want a lot of magnification, the Leupold 2.5x compact is another petit scope that would not look out of place on a rimfire. I ran a 2.5x on a 10/22 for a long time and found it plenty of scope for the distances I normally shot .22 long rifle.

I recenly came up with a Henry .22, and am toying with the idea of one of the Hi-Lux, William Malcom short tube scopes, but not sure if there are dovetail rings to match the odd diameter of the Malcolm's. Pricey too!!
Leupold mfg's a pair of compact scopes, intended for rimfires.
If it's marketed as a "rimfire" scope, it's likely the parallax is set at 50 yds.

For the OP's use, a normal scope or an AO scope would probably be a little more accurate

Will just be target shooting out to 100-150 yards.
50 yds

Yes....the Leupold Rimfire specials are set for 50 yds. But my point is that a full size scope, and certainly one with an AO, will be oversized, clunky, and plain impractical on a lever carbine as tidy as the Henry.

I did read the "target shooting" passage on the OP. But the Henry is not a match rifle, and I'm betting that there will be more shots fired from that lever carbine under 100 than over. Chambered in .22 mag not withstanding.

And for what its worth, I've got a pair of the Rimfire Specials on different rifles. Here at the house I've got a 6" disk, and a "cowbell" target, out at 100 yds. The 50 yd parallex setting is no handicap in wacking either one, when I do my part.