Henry .22 Lever action scope suggestions


New member
I'm looking at getting a Henry lever action .22 LR model H001T and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a scope. I know they are pretty accurate at up to 100 yards but I do think they come in handy if you are shooting at smaller targets such as, a quarter for example. Any ideas are welcome.
For years I had Weaver 4 powers on my two 'good' 22's. They worked fine, but I have since swapped them out for some old Leupold 2-7's. I think I like the Leupolds better, but truth is that there isn't much difference. I suppose at the longer distance the ability to go to 7 power is a benefit, but I rarely shoot at anything over 60 or 70 yards. My second level 22's carry cheap BSA 4 powers and those scopes are working out just fine.
My Henry wears a Bushnell 1.5X-4.5X scope. Great optics and good price.

Good shooting to you.


I like to have a variable on my 22,so I can try for head shots on squirrels with the scope cranked up to max.I have a 2x7 on my henry.