Helwan Brigadier opinions?


New member
I have seen ads for these and the price is very good. Has anyone seen one or shot one? I now the real beretta 1951 is a good gun but wondered if there came anywhere close to them. The mags seem to cost more than what I payed for my 92 mags though. I was thinking of getting one for trail riding as I hate to use my good guns for this Pretty is not a need,just fairly accurate, reliable and solid is fine here.
I bought the Maadi Cadet clone of the 951 from kyimports. I've brought it to the range twice since buying it aboout a month ago. At first when I got it from my dealer/range I use I opened the box and noticed the grips were cracked. I thought no big deal, I can call for some new ones. Then I attempted to shoot through the 2 boxes I had. Well lets say the grips were only the beginning of the problems. search the gun type of mine and you will see a detailed post of every thing I found wrong in my first 2 hours with the gun. Anyway, I called KY they refered me to the imports PARS INT'L, so I thought I was about to get the run around. Well he said to send it in which cost another 20 bucks, did this on a wed. gun back in my hands on friday of the same week. They fixed everything I found wrong with the gun. The only thing they did not notice was one bad mag which could hang up the chambering of the round, the other mag was fine. I should also say that their were other things wrong with the initial mags which were either fixed or replaced, but I'm not sure which. The only thing left for me to do is to get the tension right in the slide catch spring so that the slide locks to the rear on an empty mag instead of riding forward a little ways. As for the gun itself, it is very tight like a beretta, finish is fair due to a few machining swirls in areas around the trigger gaurd, accuracy is good considering the sights. In another week I will be doing more extensive shooting and will be able to better report on its accuracy. A different range I used the second time only allows shooting with the targets ran all the way back to the backstop which is a little past what I typically shoot handguns at so I was concerned with its function not accuracy that day. I would guess I just got a very bad copy that needed the extra work which they quickly did so I can't complain. Expect to possibly have to pay the extra 20 and wait a couple days is all. good luck
I shot one when they first got here. Ive seen plastic dart guns made better. No confidence. NONE! If you want cheap get a Makarov.
***Runs away, screaming***

I've got one - I'll pay you to take it off my hands.


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.

Those that beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those that don't.
I have seen three with broken locking lugs (two failed while I was watching the users). IMO, the metal used wasn't properly worked and so these have very short and uncertain life spans. Of course, you might be able to get replacement parts (same way CZ52 users get new firing pins).

I'd stick with the real Beretta or a different surplus model.