Helwan Brigadier 9mm

Gene, you're going to have to be a bit more specific as to which gun. Most modern handguns can handle +p ammo just fine, but they will wear faster than if you stick to std pressure stuff. The best analogy I've heard is from a SIG armourer who explained that it's like driving a car at the speed limit versus at a 110 mph all the time. Things simply wear faster and require maintenance more often. If you plan a steady diet of hot stuff you should consider getting with a good 'smith and have the proper stops, springs, etc. installed in your piece, just like you'd get speed rated tires, stiffer springs, sway bars, carbon fibre brakes, racing spindles, etc. for a car that you'd have to depend on in extreme service. Some brands (e.g. H&K) taut that they're built to take the guff from +p, as do some S&Ws, etc., check the owners manual.

Of course here at TFL you'll find fans of almost all makes who will be pretty honest about their experiences, but ultimately, you're dealing with mechanical devices that that will wear out sooner or later. Good care & maitenance makes a difference, with the biggest dividend being in reliability.

Personally, I practice mostly with standard pressure FMJ, but shoot enough premium (std. and +p) JHP to know that A.), a particular brand/load feeds reliably in that particular gun, and B.),to be familiar with it's discharge characteristics (i.e. recoil, report, muzzle flash). Hope this helps, M2