

I recently purchased a house and found a revolver. After a magnifying glass and bright light I was able to determine the maker of the gun is ELG and is made in Belgium.

I cannot find this exact gun though. I am interested in finding out the years of production and any cost value? It has the Crown on it but it is above the letter U. It is in two different locations on the gun, first on the inside of the chamber, second is on the barrel.

There was another marking on the inside of the chamber where it shows the number "3"

Also on the inside chamber is shows "E" directly below this it has the letters "LG" and directly below that is a "star" symbol, they are all enclosed with a circle.

The barrel is not a smooth round but has more of a hexigon (6) shape to it. I believe the handle is made of walnut and it does have a hook (sorry not sure what it is called) on the end it. I am not even sure what the caliber is ~ I appreciate any input that you may have since I am really running blind at this point.
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"ELG" is the Liege (Belgium) proof mark.

If this is a typical "Bulldog" or other vastly-produced Liege firearm, chances are you'll never identify the maker, because these were made by small shops, anonymously. Some were made in small shops from pieces parts made in even smaller shops.

A picture would help.


PS There is a great new book on the subject of Bulldogs (which yours sounds like).
Too much fun isn't it? I once bought a house with an old .303 Enfield hanging over a pass-through.

Post some pics and somebody will tell you what you have.
That is find a gun in your house! Closest I've come to that...I found a stock for .303 jungle carbine in the basement of my house. I can assure you...the rest of the gun is NOT in this house! I have searched it all...every square inch! :( :D

You guys are the best!

Wow - thank you all so much for the quick responses, seriously! I will take a couple of photos and post but my 19yr old broke by camera this last Saturday going to a Michigan game (Go Blue!)
Today I am going to replace my windshield since a male turkey hit my windshield yesterday, that would be even a better picture to post :)
Again, thanks and I am going to follow the link as well as post a picture for all of you gun guru's out there ....
You will never find the years of production, the best you will come up with is an " Era" based on proof marks, and that can cover a hundred years or so. The same with the maker, there are no records for these old Belgian handguns and most of them were unmarked as to maker. Value is minimal, more value as a decorative item than anything else. These guns were made by the boatload , similar to the Spanish Eibars Sorry about that. And it is not a Bulldog. The only true Bulldog is the Webley.