
Miss Demeanors

New member
I made a thread at my boards on new stats for falling crime rates, some lady came in there and made a remark about capita's or something like that. I dont know what she is saying, if its good or bad. Im new! Help. I dont know what to reply back to her. If anyone is good in that dept. please stop by and reply to her. The name of the thread is falling crime rates and the URL is

Thank you! :)
Miss D, she was probably referring to 'per capita'. That essentially means 'per person'. So if the average income in a country is $1,000 per capita, then that is per person, and they would take total income and divide by the population.

BTW, as you work with statistics, I recommend one of my favorite books of all time - 'How to Lie with Statistics', by Darrell Huff. This book is a great help in improving your own understanding when people throw stat's at you. I found it at Amazon.Com:

Take care.
Thanks Jeff and Dennis. I cant figure out if she is pro or anti. Think I got it now.


[This message has been edited by Miss Demeanors (edited November 27, 1999).]
She is a pro-gun type.

Her point is that the antis (CDC) come out with these stats that have no reference point, then the anti's jump on and say its cuz of the gun laws put into play during Clinton's admin. However, the FBI stats show that despite these laws, the number of gun crime convictions are down since the current justice dept doesn't prosecute.

Look at the Brady law...the anti's love to tout that over 600,000 purchases have been stopped by ineligible buyers....that means "criminals"....however less than 300 were arrested and less than 20 were prosecuted and I believe less than 12 were convicted.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Miss D, 'per capita' (literally, per head, or person) is a benchmark used to mormalize statistics for comparison purposes, per captia income, or violent crimes per 100,000 residents, etc. The "How to Lie" book is a great reference.

Verily, DC, for all the carping about over 600K denied, they make no mention of the fact that the massive majority of those denials are due to simple mistakes - i.e. same name/different person, misspellings, clerical errors, and other innacuarcies. The telling part is the less than 300 arests and a dozen convidtions - the Feds just don't walk the walk ('cept when it suits them).

Curtrent scandal here'abouts is the number of women getting assaulted by significant others who shouldn't have access to guns because of restraining orders/domestic violence stuff because the local juristictions (in MD) can't seem to get their names into the database in time (they're literally months behind). Yet another good example of the how well 'the law' will protect you (not)>
Miss D-
If it's the thread I think it is, the poster was Nancy. She's a clear thinker and new Member of TFL. She'll do you proud.

Your site provides a great approach, BTW. You're able to reach women who wouldn't be interested in what TFL has to offer. This is a noble undertaking.