Help with VZ-24 Mauser 8mm Scope Mount!


New member
:( Hi, I have a Mauser VZ-24 I picked up at the local gun shop. It has been sporterized to a good point, but not enough! It is drilled and tapped for scope mounts but I have one problem. The back of the receiver is lower than front and I have been having trouble finding mounts that are high in the back and low in the front. I am going hunting this october, so could somebody help me soon please! Thanks in advance, any info will help! (By the way, it does have a bent bolt)
Unless the action has been ground off, the scope mounts should take differences in actual height into the design. Many rifles have the rear bridge lower than the front ring and therefore the bases are different height(thickness). The rear base can be shimmed to level with the front base using aluminum pop(or beer if that's what you have) can material cut to match the outline of the base and drilled to match the screw holes. Brownells sells pre drilled and sized shim material of various thickness. On a serously over ground rear bridge, I've gone as far as to use JB Weld(epoxy) to form the spacer. What you need to be careful of is getting the rear base misaligned with the front base and bending, denting, or otherwise damaging or kinking the scope body.
Thank you very much!

I found a scope mount on amazon that I think might work. If you could take a look at it and give me your opinion it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much Mobuck! :D

Here is the link to the scope mount, It says it is fit for a K98, but you can never be too sure,

Oh and I forgot to say that the two holes that are drilled and tapped on the receiver, on the back they are close together, and on the front they are far apart. The scope mount I gave you the link to looks like it has the right distance.
I've used Millet one piece bases on several Mausers but not the two piece. No reason these won't work unless the holes in the action are spaced for some odd nonstandard base.
If you have a rifle cradle, clamp your rifle upright and set the bases on top of the action in the right places. Then lay a straight edge longitudinally along the top of the bases to see if they're level.
Thank you very much for your help! I should have the mount tommorow or wednesday and I will let you know how it fits! :D
Please do follow up! I am having a very similar issue on my 7mm issue is mounting hole spacing. The ordered mount had the correct height-correction but the holes are too close together.
Do you know your hole spacing?