Help With Shotgun Lubrication


New member
Hello everyone,

I just got a new Mossberg 590A1 and I have a question about lubrication. When I first took it out of the box, the action was a bit difficult to move, i.e. not "slick" like a broke-in gun. I attributed it to the thick lubrication. Assuming it was for storage/transport, I cleaned most of the gunk off and lubed the whole thing with snake oil, which is a standard handgun lubrication. However, it seemed a bit light for the Mossberg. Is this the right stuff to use? What do you all use to lube your shotguns? Additionally, do I have to clean the bore, and disassemble and clean the gun after every firing? I usually do with my handguns, but they are a lot easier to disassemble. I put about 50 rounds through the Mossberg the other day, it does not seem to be dirty at all...



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-Martin Luther King Jr.
I clean the bore after each shooting session, and disassemble/clean at least once per year. ANY reasonably viscious oil will do, up to 30W.

The best way to smooth up a pump is to shoot it, but a session in front of the TV just racking it works also. Of course, make sure it's unloaded.
i tend to use regular outers or hoppes gun oil and on my pump rails i use a lithium/graphite grease just so i dont have to do that as often theyre,as for the bor i clean it out after every session irregardless of how many rounds i shoot.......

[This message has been edited by old hawk (edited September 18, 2000).]
After your next hundred rounds or so, remove the trigger housing group from the reciever. You will notice that a significant amount of trash has built up in there. In addition to cleaning the bore every time, I try to break it down to the barrel, reciever, and trigger housing group for a thorough cleaning after a weekend of shooting/hunting. Your gun won't quit on you if you don't, but why let parts get gunked up and worn out early. I can't tell you how many guys I hunt with that never clean their guns. Then they badmouth the gun when it doesnt work.
I'm probably a little overly-punctilious in my cleaning habits. I clean *everything* every time I shoot it. On the bore, I use a brush and 0000 steel wool for plastic fouling, and Birchwood Casey Bore Super Strength Bore Scrubber. When the patches come out clean, I lubricate it with BreakFree CLP.

On the trigger assembly and receiver parts, I begin buy scrubbing with a toothbrush and BreakFree, and then blast everything clean/dry with Gun Scrubber. Then I lubricate again with either BreakFree or a standard gun oil. I have grease in case I take the gun out in mucky weather, but generally I don't use it...I'm concerned that it might attract and hold more gunk than oil, although with a pump action, this probably won't cause the same problems that it would with an autoloader.
