Help with rubber grip.. hogue mono or Pachmayr gripper for Colt Det Spc?


Retired Screen Name
Hi Guys,
I have the third series or generation... don't know year of manufacture, with the shrouded extractor... wood factory grips with exposed square butt. I have now bought two hogue 48000 monogrips... stupid I guess... after hogue themselves emailed me "that all CDS after 1966 would fit these grips." I think the third series/generation didnt start till after '75, so I ordered the second one. The bottom of the grip frame is at least 1 1/4 inch and the grip at narrowest point... 1 3/8 !!! It isn't even close!

Can anyone tell me which combat grip #'s ... pachmayr compact (with the third finger notch) or gripper , hogue monogrip... will fit this beast? Tired of buying the wrong grips, misled by the manufacturers!

I can email a pic without the grips.

Thanks in advance.

Paul... shovel99
The Pachmayr "Compac" and the Pachmayr "Gripper" for the Colt "D" frame will fit perfectly.

Colt used the Pachmayr Compac with Gold Colt medallions on some "D" frame guns for years.
The Compac for the "D" frame is the "CD-C".
The Gripper is the "CD-G".

You can buy the Compac with Gold Colt medallions from Colt, Gun Parts Corporation, Brownell's, and on Ebay.

After 1966 all Colt "D" framed revolvers had the "stubby" grip.

I have no idea why Hogue grips didn't fit.

Here's a comparison between the old, full profile Colt frame, and the post-1966 Stubby.
I'd second...or third?..;) the recommendation for the Pach. I think the grip looks best and very comfortable. I use the factory wood grip on my 3rd generation DS but the Pach would be my first choice if it wasn't already comfortable.
I have Pachmayr grips on my carry gun (Smith M10). I much prefer them over Hogues, because the rubber is not sticky like the Hogues, and the checkering on the Pachys holds my hand better than the stippling on the Hogues.

Lastly, they look better than the Hogues...they're not as aesthetically pleasing as a nice set of wood grips, but they're OK. Hogues look like somebody mushed a blob of modelling clay into grip shape.
Thanks, Dfaris... great info!

I knew you guys would have the answer.

The factory grips are pretty good, but I am thinking that rubber might help tame some recoil.

I, too, am curious why the hogue didn't work... maybe I didn't push hard enough. I was afraid of breaking something. But hey, the plastic and rubber is what will break, not the CDS, so if I break a $15 grip that didn't work anyway, what do I have to lose?

This is not my carry gun, a bit heavy for my taste for carry, although I do "rotate" a bit. Thinking about better accuracy and control for range plinking.

Many Thanks.

shovel/Paul D.
Pachmayr CD-C round butt.... CD-S square butt.. mine?

Dfaris.... it appears that at brownells, the CD-S is the model compact Pachmayr that will fit my square butt post 1966, not CD-C?

Happy New Year!

Hogue grip issue solved!!

Hogue support emailed me and at the bottom of the instructions stated that "the grip pin must be removed." On my smith's the hogue grips did not need the grip pin removed, and it looked permanently cast in the Colt Detective Special, and the instructions from Hogue stated a list of guns which required removal... and not the COLT DETECTIVE SPECIAL. Thanks Hogue! I now know. Anyone need a hogue monogrip for CDS? Got 2!

I know I am late to add my experience. But Thanks to the guys before me writing in detail. I have a DS and a Hogue 1 piece wood grip. After exam the DS grip pin carefully. It is NOT casted. So, I took a small gunsmith hammer and drift to pound it out. Took about 20-30 hits. Just wrap your DS with some hides or towel. DS now with wood grip. But, the screw was too short!