Help with reading the spam can, what and where it from.


I have 4 pics... I need help to decipher the letter on 3 of the pics... and the 4th pic I need someone who can understand Russian?? All of these I'm 99.9% sure they are all 7.62x54R ammo.. I do believe 2 of the cans are type 53 ammo which is Nagant ammo.. but need to know how many and what type of round.. light ball.. heavy ball.. AP ??

( pic 1 )

( pic 2 )


( pic 3 )


( pic 4 ) This is the Russian wooden case which I cant understand at all.. hardcore Russian.


I would appreciate any help on deciphering these tins and wood crate..

Thank you
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Pretty sure that's not Russian (can't access the 4th pic). I studied Russian in high school and a little in college, and I don't recognize any of those characters. I also studied a little Korean, and while a few of the characters look familiar, I don't think it's Korean either. Looks like Chinese to me. There's a name for those Chinese characters/style but I can't remember what it is right now. If I do remember, I'll post it back here. Sorry I can't be more help.
Numbers 1 and 2 are Chinese, and 3 and 4 are Russian.
I had the pics open once, but now they won't open for me.
Now i can see the 4th pic. That's definitely Russian. Trying to sound it out, but some of the letters are smeared or just look weird. hang on.
Okay, i'm not sure about the first line; I think there may be letters hidden by the strap or something. My best guess is that "груэо получатель" means "receiver recipient" but I can't say for sure because it's been a long time since I've read any Russian, and the actual writing is just different from anything i ever read when I was studying Russian. But if I got it right, then the first line reads, "receiver recipient B-5." The second line reads, "Crate 1-1738." And the last line reads, "Gross 21 Kw." that's the best I can do. Bearing in mind I may have mis-remembered some of the letters.
reading the crate

Thank you for doing that... I guess this is more of a lot # for the Russian crate.. I guess I have to open this up to get the actual print on the spam can I guess??
Probably, sorry about that. The Cyrillic is pic 3 aren't words, so far as I can tell. They're like acronyms or just initials. Like ACP is Automatic Colt Pistol. All I can tell you is the approximate english letters. So the three letters after "7.62 I THINK are "P G Z." Whatever that means.
Pic 1 and 2 are in Chinese, which I can help. The other are in Russian, which is over my head. Although I am proficient in Chinese, the markings are in abbreviations. I try my best to decipher.

Pic 1
Line 1: Type 53, 7.62, normal (steel), 400
Line2: possibly date / batch codes

Type 53 is mosin carbine, so 7.62x54r. Normal probably means non-AP. Steel could mean steel core bullet or steel casing. 440 could be # of rounds. Production date possibly May 1967 (5-67).

Pic 2 is very similar to pic 1.
Line 1: Type 53, 7.62, normal (steel)
Line 2: 729-30 (clip)
Line 3: 10-56, light, single, ...

It is probably same ammo in stripper clips. Production date Oct 1956. Light possibly means bullet weight. Single is puzzling. It possibly means the individual clips, instead of boxes of clips.

Hope it helps.


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Yes that did help a lot... thank you.. now I will write it down on the spam can, at least I know whats in it instead of cracking it open...