Help with purchasing a revolver


New member
I am wanting to purchase a 22LR revolver. My budget it $300. What are your recomendations. I have been looking at the Heritage Rough Rider single aciton revolver. I have read some reviews on it but Im still not sure. What are your experiences with this gun.

Thanks for the help.
Low quality but functional. If you have $300, keep shopping until you find the right priced used Ruger Single Six. Much more gun than the Heriage and can usually be found used for around $300 to $350.
There are a lot of options for used guns at $300. A used Ruger Single Six; an H&R break-open; High Standard single action. I was even able to get a S&W model 17 for $350 this year, with a lot of wear, but fine function.

I've not owned a Rough Rider, but I think you can get a new one for around $150. If you are just buying a gun to do some low volume plinking, you are probably okay. If you want a workhorse, probably the Single Six is where to go--and I say that being a dyed in the wool anti-ruger man.