Help with Lever Lock?


I bought me a WWG big loop lever and am contemplating installing it myself.

My question is about the locking device pinned in the lever that I have to transfer to the new lever. I don't know the tech term off the top of my head, but the spriing loaded device at the top of the trigger guard, which locks the lever into place on the trigger(?) as it is closed.

I have the proper punch. Can I just drive that pin out or will I have to put pressure on the lock at the same time as the pin is driven out? (will I need 3 hands?)

I'm pretty mechanical but have never did this before so would appreciate any pointers on the best way to approach it. Or should I just let my smithy do it?

Or should you just call and we will walk you through it :)

PS you need three hands to remove the lever plunger.

Ahh, a piece of cake when you have such a melodius knowledgable voice guiding you. Thanks, WA. I didn't even have to trim any spring off. It locks up nice n tight and not too tight. Dang but that pin was in there tight! bent my punch and hadda run for another one but success with no buggers or scratches! Yessiday I cudnt even spell gumsmif and today I are one!!!:D

Any post installation checks I should do?

BTW, Wildgives15%discountsforsayingspiffyhasagoofyhaircutAlaska:D