Help with grip panels for old Zamac mousegun


New member
I've inherited an old German-made Zamac blank firing gun from my granddad. I use it sometimes on new years eve and it works fine, but the old grip panels are worn off, broken and partially distorted. I'd like to fit it with a completely new, more modern "wrap around" grip - it's just that I can't find said item in mouse-gun size (it is a wee bit bigger than a Baby Browning). Is there something that can be self-taylored, maybe thermoplastics or the like?

Thank y'all for your input!
Thanks, never thought of that, good idea - though these things are not as common round here as they appear to be in the States....
They arent all that common around here yet either, but they are becoming more available and affordable. My son picked one up off of Amazon a little while ago and has been playing with it. He says its a lot more involved than he first thought, but hes starting to figure it out. What you can do with them, and the materials to do it with, is pretty limited right now though.

I would think if you can figure out a way to scan what you have, which Im sure is probably available, making something like handgun grips would be easy enough. Of course, Im just thinking about it, and not actually going through the actual motions of doing it. :)
In the past I have seen numerous sources offering plain, flat wood scales for 1911 stocks but, naturally, when I went looking I couldn't find them. If the stocks on your Saturday Night Special are small enough, you might be able to use scales from a knife making supply house, as well.