Help with first IDPA match


New member
I will be shooting my first IDPA match at the end of April and just have a couple questions:

My current set up:
Glock 22
6-15 round mags
Glock Sport holster/ Tagua Leather OWB holster

1. From what i've read the Glock 22 will be for SSP correct?

2. Do I need to have 10 round mags or will I be able to use my 15 rounders

3. Will the holsters I currently have work?

4. What is a good concealment garmet to get?

5. How many rounds are shot during a match? How many do I need to plan on taking with me the day of the match?

6. Is there somewhere I can find out how the course will be set up? Or will they allow a run through/practice before the match?

I've read over the IDPA rules as much as possible but it seems easier to find the answers from people who have actually shot the matches. Thanks
My current set up:
Glock 22
6-15 round mags
Glock Sport holster/ Tagua Leather OWB holster

1. From what i've read the Glock 22 will be for SSP correct?

2. Do I need to have 10 round mags or will I be able to use my 15 rounders
You can use the 15rd mags but you can only load 10rds.

3. Will the holsters I currently have work?
Yes. Remember that you'll need a mag pouch.

4. What is a good concealment garment to get?
A lot of folks use photographers vests, I just use an unbuttoned button down shirt or a jacket depending on the weather.

5. How many rounds are shot during a match? How many do I need to plan on taking with me the day of the match?
Total number of stages and rounds varies, figure 50-80 average. I usually bring a couple of hundred rounds with me. I like having extra, never know who might need some.

6. Is there somewhere I can find out how the course will be set up? Or will they allow a run through/practice before the match?
You're group will walk through each stage just before you shoot it. No practice, no air gunning.

Have fun!!!!!
You won't need all six magazines, just three.
Speaking of magazines, the idpa magazine, "Tactical Journal" can be read online or downloaded as a pdf. - look on the left column of the main page, for all their links.
Click on "About IDPA", for the rule book.
I will be shooting my first IDPA match at the end of April and just have a couple questions:

My current set up:
Glock 22
6-15 round mags
Glock Sport holster/ Tagua Leather OWB holster Plus two mag pouches

1. From what i've read the Glock 22 will be for SSP correct? Yes
2. Do I need to have 10 round mags or will I be able to use my 15 rounders

3. Will the holsters I currently have work? Yes

4. What is a good concealment garment to get? You name it. What you wear now. As in going for breakfast

5. How many rounds are shot during a match? How many do I need to plan on taking with me the day of the match? 200 not use them all

6. Is there somewhere I can find out how the course will be set up? Or will they allow a run through/practice before the match? Walk through

I've read over the IDPA rules as much as possible but it seems easier to find the answers from people who have actually shot the matches. Thanks

I have a clip on mag pouch for the first 11 round magazine, two for the reloads, 10 rounds.__________________
concealment garments (Humvee photojournalist vest) (travel vest)

Concealment Vests: (LOTS of nice vests to choose from) (the lightweight discreet carry vest) (Omni Dry Venture II vest,) (Shooter's vest) (voyager vest) (many choices) (Lightweight vest or tactical vest or field vest)

I wear vests to conceal a CCW all the time. I don't particularly like the 5.11 vests because I don't like the way the external pouches are arranged. That being said, I did pick one up on sale and that's the one I usually wear to IDPA matches . . .

Another cheap concealment option is a BDU blouse in a solid color like grey or blue.
Dont overthink about. With all that you are ready to go. Just go, have fun and most important be safe. Go slowly, dont try to go fastt and make some mistakes like pointing the muzle to someone else.after some matches you will more confident to go faster.

What club are you going? Usually many people just go for practice and fun but no for compete.

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You can load 11 from your initial mag to get to 10+1.

I did my first IDPA match recently and my goals were to not get DQ'd (dropping my gun, breaking 180, etc.) and making my shots. I tried to not worry about my time and easily finished mid-pack in SSP.
I like to think of IDPA as a day at the range where you can draw from a holster, shoot while moving, shoot across lanes, and shoot from behind cover all while some stands at your shoulder to tell you if you do something actually unsafe all for $15.
I was planning on shooting at the one in Fort Lauderdale, FL at the end of April. But now I'm a little confused. Since i've never shot a match with IDPA, do I have to shoot a qualifier first?
IDPA does not have a "qualifier," there is a Classifier.
Most local clubs will not require you to shoot the Classifier before starting routine matches. But you must be classified to get in a sanctioned match at the state or regional level.
Just remember to be safe & have fun. Most clubs will pare you up with an experienced member to help you out. First match go slow & get used to the flow. Don't try to run & gun like a pro just yet. Concentrate o. Getting your hits & speed will come later.
As a fellow noob to IDPA, I shot my first match a week ago, I can tell you one thing: slow down! It took me about 3 stages to really slow down my mind and just do one thing at a time. Now that I've done it once, I'll be much faster next time.

I learned a ton and had to adjust some things I had been already been taught. The first thing I had to alter was my speed reloads. I was taught to reload a semi auto with the gun up close to my sight line, muzzle oriented almost straight up in the air. This was a no-no on the range we shot on because of the backstop.

Second thing I learned and changed was my movement from point to point. I was often too slow moving between cover. I started running on the later stages and it did shave some seconds off my times.

The final big thing I learned was how to use cover in a way that satisfied the rules of the game. I kept putting my foot or leg too far out and it cost me some penalties. I got better as the match progressed, but early on I did it wrong a lot.

It was a very fun and very educational day for me. I cut my fingers up a few times and on the last stage, I bled so much, when I did my first reload the mag actually slipped in my hand. I looked down at the mag and realized I was bleeding all over it, my mind took over, I fix the reload go the gun running and wrapped up the stage without an issue. It was one of those moments where I realized how much a good grip and aggressive texturing could matter in a situation where I might need to use my gun in real life.
I'm going to try and hit my first match next weekend at end of April.

Read the post and some good info for beginners.

Just a few additional questions.

I only have the two original magazines that came with my gun. Do I need a third one? If so will have to get one.

Gun choice - I think I will use my new Caracal F - the darn thing just shoots one big hole every time I use it. I was going to use my Beretta PX4 but I think the double action throws me in target shooting and I am never quite as accurate with this gun.
What do most people use - striker fired or D/A?

Oh, and my holster at least for Beretta has a clip release (press button to get gun out) - is this legal?

Looking forward to my first match even though a little nervous!
You will likely need a third magazine, 4 mags make it easier.

Many people use striker fired weapons for consistency, but if you are comfortable with the DA/SA pistols, feel free.

Watch yourself with that Serpa holster. They are fine to use in IDPA, but be extremely mindful that you don't let your trigger finger slip into the trigger guard on the draw.
Yes i have practiced around the house -dry fire - with the holster and am mindful never to put my finger in the trigger until ready to fire.

I might have to drive by Cabelas as don't have time to order online for another magazine. They are so expensive. 40-50 for Baretta at least. Lowest was 39.00 online but then there is shipping.
I've been reading into this IDPA as well to go into it. Sounds like fun and something you will learn a lot from. I would be going to Ft Lauderdale as well, Markham Park!! Good luck bud!!
I'm a frequent IDPA shooter and Safety Officer Instructor, so I'm going to chime in here.

I was planning on shooting at the one in Fort Lauderdale, FL at the end of April. But now I'm a little confused. Since i've never shot a match with IDPA, do I have to shoot a qualifier first?

No. Shooting the Classifier allows you to be placed in a class where your scores are only compared against others in your class. Without a Classifier, you will shoot as "Unclassified." Almost all local matches will not have a problem with you being unclassified, but you will not be able to shoot a major/sanctioned match until you receive a classification.

Technically, IDPA requires you to shoot a Classifier at least once a year to make sure you are in the Class appropriate to your skill level. I am not aware of this ever being enforced, though.

As a fellow noob to IDPA, I shot my first match a week ago, I can tell you one thing: slow down! It took me about 3 stages to really slow down my mind and just do one thing at a time.

Yes. The #1 thing I tell new competitors is to do everything in slow motion. Concentrate A) on safety, and B) on being smooth. Do NOT try to go fast or win.

Even experienced shooters will tell you that the things change the first time that buzzer goes off behind your ear, and it becomes more difficult to focus on things that seem so easy when you are practicing at home or standing on a static firing line. You have to balance mechanics, safety, precision, speed, and process, and that is a lot to juggle when you are not used to it. So GO SLOW until safety and process are so familiar that you don't have to think about them anymore.

Now that I've done it once, I'll be much faster next time.

Not to be a Nervous Nellie, but I would encourage you to wait until you have at least 4-5 matches under your belt before you start thinking about going faster. Again, allow yourself time to develop some muscle/process memory. Let those things start to become instinctive before you start to push on the accelerator.

Remember that people at matches won't slam you for being slow, but they will climb all over you for being unsafe. Nobody judges the "Noob" because they take too long. But they definitely won't forget you when your muzzle sweeps them or you lose control of your gun.

I learned a ton and had to adjust some things I had been already been taught. The first thing I had to alter was my speed reloads. I was taught to reload a semi auto with the gun up close to my sight line, muzzle oriented almost straight up in the air. This was a no-no on the range we shot on because of the backstop.

I've seen ranges that have that restriction, but most that are competition-oriented don't. High-end shooters do their reloads with the gun up in their face because it puts the mechanical process right in your sight box and it is physically more efficient for re-acquiring the sights rather than bringing the gun up from stomach/belt level.

But ranges get to decide what they will/won't allow, so you have to learn to live with their limitations.

Second thing I learned and changed was my movement from point to point. I was often too slow moving between cover. I started running on the later stages and it did shave some seconds off my times.

Actually, what is the biggest cause of inefficiency is the hesitation that most newer competitors exhibit when they finish an engagement at a cover position (or empty their gun and need to reload). Good shooters know when they need to move (or reload) and transition into the movement immediately and without hesitation. (I always look over a course of fire and immediately plan when my reloads are going to take place.)

Additionally, it is important to teach yourself to eliminate inefficiencies when arriving at a shooting position. Many shooters will run to a barricade, come to a stop, scoot over a few inches, bring their hands up from belt level, and then start acquiring the target. Instead, they should be trying to come to a stop at the optimum spot from which to shoot, and should be starting to acquire a sight picture as they come to a stop. Don't get there and start to aim. Aim as you are getting there.

The final big thing I learned was how to use cover in a way that satisfied the rules of the game. I kept putting my foot or leg too far out and it cost me some penalties. I got better as the match progressed, but early on I did it wrong a lot.

Rule of thumb: if both feet are hidden from the target you are shooting, then you are using cover correctly. There are exceptions to that rule, but that is pretty much a good guideline.

I only have the two original magazines that came with my gun. Do I need a third one? If so will have to get one.

Pretty much the answer is "yes." IDPA has an 18-round max on the required # of rounds in a stage, but that assumes that you don't miss and no reloads are mandated during a course of fire. But the reality is that you are going to enjoy the day more if you have that third mag.

Watch yourself with that Serpa holster. They are fine to use in IDPA, but be extremely mindful that you don't let your trigger finger slip into the trigger guard on the draw.

Yes i have practiced around the house -dry fire - with the holster and am mindful never to put my finger in the trigger until ready to fire.

Serpas are developing a bad reputation, but there are lots of people that believe they are perfectly safe. I will tell you that even experienced shooters have used them incorrectly, with a negligent discharge being the result. I shot a match last year where a 1911 shooter put a round into his lower leg during a draw. Granted, this required a User Headspace Error in two areas (finger on the trigger and the safety while the gun was pointed in an unsafe direction), but this guy was former Army Special Forces and a current law enforcement officer.

In a conversation with the match director afterwards, we came to the conclusion that the Serpa became an issue when the shooter was taken out of his comfort zone. The stage required some uncommon method of movement before drawing the gun. What it appears is that the shooter didn't disengage the Serpa correctly on the first try, so he jammed his finger down on the release button on the second try. As a result, the direction of force drove his finger into the trigger guard has the weapon cleared the holster.

Flipping the safety off also was just a dumb*** move, but the question is will you do or not do correctly when you are stressed and trying to hurry. Even an experienced shooter can mind fart. So if you use a Serpa, practice, practice, practice (including trying some uncommon things like lying/sitting down, turning, etc.). And if you are just starting in IDPA/competitive shooting, I would strongly encourage you to choose something other than a Serpa until you get some experience with the game.

Finally, if anyone needs an introductory piece on getting into IDPA, we put one on our club website: New Shooter Info.pdf