Help with Colt Trooper??


New member
Need some help, guys. Have a 60's vintage Colt Trooper w/4 inch barrel. Unfortunately, my wife used some lousy reloads. Long story short is that 3 bullets stuck in the barrel and bulged it. Gunsmith who worked on it says "it should be OK to shoot" but would have changed barrel if one was available.
I know it's an older gun, but I would think a barrel might be available from someplace? Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

Regards - AZFred
Replace the barrel.

Gun Parts Corp (West Hurley, NY 12491, Tel 914-679-2417) lists 4" .357 barrels.

Trooper Mk III 4" blue .357, 580192B $103.50 (nickel is $114.65, part 580192N)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If it is truly a '60s vintage Trooper, it probably isn't the J-Frame Mark III. The Colt J-frame wasn't introduced until 1969. The original Troopers were built on the E-Frame (Officers Model Match and Official Police). The E-Frame also shares a large percentage of parts with the Python's I-Frame. The main difference between the E and the I-Frame seems to boil down to external frame contouring and the placement of the firing pin. (Older E-frames had hammer-mounted firing pins, while later E-frames and Pythons have frame-mounted firing pins.)

Reportedly, a Python barrel will fit the E-Frame; however, I am not certain whether a J-Frame barrel will fit the E-Frame.
A quick way to distinguish between older (I & E frame) and newer (J frame) troopers is to examine the sideplate. If the sideplate is angular and begins near the mouth of the cylinder, it's a J frame. If the sideplate is perpendicular and begins beneath the bolt (cylinder stop), it's an older I or E frame. BTW, if it's an older gun, it has a Python type lockwork.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Thanks for the help, guys. I'm still a little confused as to possible type of frame. According to my records, I purchased this revolver in April 1966, serial #462xx. Says "Trooper .357Magnum Ctg." on the barrel.

It has an adjustable rear sight, and frame mounted firing pin. If that sheds any additional light on the subject, let me know what you think. Thanks.

Regards - AZFred
E frame, huh? OK, here goes:

.357 4" blue, w/out sight blade $129.65, part #52341

.357, 3" blue, CLT-SP-1056, $59.95

.38 Spec, 4" Nickel, 51149N, $72.50

If you order from Gun Parts (formerly known as Numrich, aka Numb Nuts), be sure to describe your gun to them.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Be aware that the first two barrels that Gary mentioned are from Pythons, while the third is from the fixed sight Official Police. All will fit the Trooper; however, the Python's sight rib won't match the Trooper's top strap, and the Official Police's front sight may be too low for the Trooper's adjustable rear.

Unfortunately, Gun Parts doesn't list a price for E-Frame Trooper barrels as they are not always available. The barrel part numbers are:

#51247 4" .357 Mag (Blue)
#51247N 4" .357 Mag (Nickel)
#51257 4" .38 Special (Blue)

[This message has been edited by Daniel Watters (edited September 30, 1999).]