help with CCW .45

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New member
I'm considering getting rid of my Glock 19 (the gripis too damn fat to conceal-I'm 5'11" 145 lbs.) I'd like to get some kind of 1911 variant. I checked out the p10 but it seemed too thick and the grip was too short. I was very impressed with a Colt Defender that I held. I was also considering the Kimber Ultra Carry or perhaps a Springfield of some kind. I also understand that some companies make one with a commander slide/barrel and an Officer's grip?? I'd consider one of those as well. I wanted to know if anyone could share firsthand experience with any of these guns or give me suggestions for something else that I may have skipped or don't know about.
Thanks in advance,
Josh Miller
The CCO (Concealed Carry Officer) is has the Commander slide and barrel (4.25 inches) mounted on the LW Officer frame. It makes for a very neat carry package--it really surprised me what shortening the grip can do concealed carry. The strong points are a standard 1911 recoil system, slightly more sight radius, and (for me) the slightly longer barrel carries better IWB. The new XS model looks really neat, but the older two tone model looked more "purposeful." If you buy the old model, be prepared to chuck the factory grips--they are great for shooting but a total waste for concealed carry. I bought a pair of Colt blonde, uncheckered grips for $30, and the result is the best concealed carry 1911 I have ever had.
The 36 by its specs isn't that much thinner
than the 19. It is thinner than the 21.
That's the selling point.

Reasonable power and thin comes in the
form of guns like the Kahr 40s. The
45 ACP isn't that magic.

Also, the Glock 40s and 357s in the mini version - 27, 33 are quite concealable
with a IWB - I granted you they have the
short thick grip.

Kahr - for thin

I had the same question you did. I was advised to pick up a light weight colt commander. The reasoning behind the LT WT Commnader is that it is thin and has a full handle for a good grip and quck draw. It was recommended to wear a IMB kydex holster--again for the thinness. It could be worn on the strong side hip.

I shopped around and decided upon the Kimber Pro-Carry. It is the same size as the LWC and reportedly is more reliable and accurate. However, my situation requires a deeper carry. I have since purchased a Kimber Ultra Carry. Both Kimbers are very accurate and I am new to handguns.

Due to rise in Colt prices, I have located a LWC and wait delivery.

I hope this helps.

I think you need a full size 1911, probably a stainless. As luck would have it, I have a dandy Kimber stainless Gold Match you could have cheap.
Hell Arkeny, you shoulda offered it to me---I woulda bought it and then had Kimber fix it...had TWO excellent Kimber Gold Matches. :-)
The CCO sounds very interesting. It seems to me that a longer barrel would be nice especially for a slow moving bullet like a .45. The officer's grip frame seems like it would be a better idea for concealed carry and I really couldn't care less about losing one round in the magazine (That's what 10 rd backup mags are for :) )How much does a CCO weigh. I forgot to mention in my original post that weight is somewhat of a consideration too. The Defender and Kimber UC are around 25 ounces or so which isn';t much more than my 5 shot .38!! Also, what about sig .45's? Anyone have experience with those?

Thanks again for the help.
The CCO weighs a little less than 26 ounces empty (add another 6 to 7 ounces loaded). One of my local dealers has a new XS model--it has definitely been "Kimberized" in terms of features and appearance (down to the Chip McCormick parts).
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