Help with a squirrel hunting contest please


New member
My son, son in law and I are having a squirrel hunting contest to help polish our shooting for deer season. We are all going to use GP 100s with handloads to even the playing field. My son in law bagged the limit on squirrels with his Ruger 22 SA last year so the competition is tough. I need some squirrel hunting tricks from you old pros out there to give me a leg up on the boys. I was thinking of putting peanut butter on a tree to help pull bushy tails in. Do you think this will work or will it alert them to my prescence? I would appreciate any helpful squirrel hunting tricks you may know. I know the comedians are going to have fun with me on this one but I really could use some help winning this contest. Thanks Much
Here are some pics of last years hunting-
Talk a bunch of **** before hand, tell them your breaking out a family sized pack of Whupass (33% more FREE!)
Say your giving them a headstart into the woods. As soon as they're out of sight, grab your favorite scoped bolt action .22 or .22mag :D You'll need to beat them out of the woods too.

Or option 2, go the mall ninja route. Track last years winner down and chloraform him after he's bagged a few. Be sure to wear your armor plates as he's armed and you'll have to go in full ninja gear so he can't see your face. Take his kills and add them to whatever you get with your throwing stars on the way out of the woods. If necessary, repeat on son in law :rolleyes: ;)
Bait a "Havahart" trap with peanuts and peanut butter, leave it in a city park. Tell curious onlookers that you are involved in a city squirrel relocation project, moving disadvantaged city squirrels to comfortable,oak laden forests, far off in the countryside. Collect squirrels periodically, then off them at home with the GP100.
I've personally always wanted to have a crack at some of those cheeky city squirrels with a silenced Ruger MkII.
(very evil grin here) mean you haven't popped a few of those "cheeky city squirrels" with a good bolt action .22 shooting either CB or BB caps? I am in retirement now but years ago......................................................:D

psssssssst: they are tasty smothered down with onions
& now for a smart-a$$ reply ... ;)

A nifty trick we used to use in NWLA was to spot the wiley bushy tail & usually the l'il $#%@ would scrurry around to the other side of the tree, giving no shot. Didn't have the spot 'n stalk thing down then-days.

We'd sit down, pick up a goodly throwing stick & hang out for a minute or so.

Toss the stick on the opposite/squirrel-side of tree, squirrel startles & scurries around to your side.

You know what to do.

That peanut butter trick could be seen as baiting. No nevermind to me, but there's folk out there who get paid to arrest you for such things .....
Southla1: I have slain many a squirrel from inside the kitchen window, using Cbees and an old Anschutz. They used to grab my dad's green peaches and corn, then scurry into the low branches of a gum tree right behind the kitchen window. That was their final mistake.
labgrade: Baiting for a live trap is legal. Otherwise those Havahart traps wouldn't sell very well :D
Now I do suppose that the law enforcement officers would take a dim view of offing the squirrels later,but then again, my post was in jest anyway ;)