help with a Remington rifle

Joe Portale

New member
Hi folks,

A friend of mine inherited a Remington 550-1 .22 rifle. He knows nothing about guns and asked me to go over this rifle. It looks very much like a model 500, except instead of a bolt it is semi-auto. He wants me to break it down and clean 20+ years of dust out of it and give it a good going over.

I looked in several of my Gun Parts book and found no listing for the 550. Does any one have a parts diagram for this fellow?

Also, the bolt refuses to stay open. I noticed that the slot for the bolt handle is notched towards the end of the travel. But no amount of pulling, twisting or yanking will get the bolt handle to enter the slopt. Any ideas, beofre I post this to the Smithy forum?


I have the assem/disassem and will send them by separate email. Sounds like it may be reassembled incorrectly or a broken or missing part. Just stand by and take a look at the photos in the disassem. instructions.


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited April 11, 2000).]

You lucky dog! My dad passed down to me his old 550 that he had as a kid back in the 30s and 40s. I did something stupid and left it in the trunk of my car for a couple of months. Unbeknownst to me, the back window leaked and got the case wet. You can imagine what it looked like! I was sick!

I really liked that 550, it is a Rolls Royce compared to a Marlin 60 or even a Ruger 10/22. I looked for a long time to find another one to replace Dads old one. This time I got a 550-1. The internals of the -1 are not the same as the 550. The lift mechanism is totally different.

It is a bear to take all the way down so do yourself a favor and don't!

The 550 and 550-1 does NOT have a bolt hold-open feature. There is nothing wrong with yours, That large spot in the bolt way is for the removal of the bolt handle. When you unscrew the end cap of the action, there is a large coil spring (recoil spring). once that has been removed, pull the bolt back to the round opening, remove the bolt handle, then the bolt will fall right out of the back of the reciever. There is really no need to take it apart any further. Just spray the lift mechanism with Gun Scrubber and let it go at that. You should have plenty of access to clean the bore from the rear, and to get all of the other residue out of the reciever area without taking the rest of the mechanism out.

Enjoy your 550 and you'll love it!

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!