I need help with a major decision. I'm 26 and at the cross roads once again with my career. Currently, I work as an Applications & Systems Engineer (specializing in physics engineering). Salary is well over $100,000. The work enviroment is excellent. My co-workers are extremely nice and knowledgable. However, the average age is 50+. I get 40 personal days and sick days a year plus 4 weeks vacation.
However, I'm contemplating a career switch from engineering to software engineering. I've been offered a position with a new company in my area. The future looks bright for anyone starting from the beginning. By making the switch, I would lose 2 weeks vacation, 35 sick and personal days and $35,000.
I am considering the switch because software and web developement has always been a passion for me. Right now, with the average age of my company being so high, I do not relate to 90% of my co-workers. I enjoy the work but it's no longer challenging.
What would you do?
1911 Addiction
"No man is so poor as to have nothing worth giving."
However, I'm contemplating a career switch from engineering to software engineering. I've been offered a position with a new company in my area. The future looks bright for anyone starting from the beginning. By making the switch, I would lose 2 weeks vacation, 35 sick and personal days and $35,000.
I am considering the switch because software and web developement has always been a passion for me. Right now, with the average age of my company being so high, I do not relate to 90% of my co-workers. I enjoy the work but it's no longer challenging.
What would you do?
1911 Addiction
"No man is so poor as to have nothing worth giving."