Help with a 22 please


New member
I got this on a trade it seems to have been a military training rifle at one time. I could use some help figuring out what it is and value



About all I can tell you is that it is German, made sometime before 1939. The crown/N is the Nitro proof; the crown/U is the definitive proof mark; the crown/B indicates the gun was proved in the finished state; the crown/G is the mark for rifled barrels. (Since the latter three are often seen together, some collectors call the group the "bug" marks.) The larger mark that appears either to have been rusted or deliberately obliterated, is not readable; it might be a trademark.

I don't think the rifle is a purpose-built military training rifle; those generally have military style stocks and furniture. It appears to be simply a sporting rifle, for informal target shooting and hunting small game, very like similar rifles made in the U.S.

I may be wrong, but I have seen those rifles go for around $250, maybe a bit more with the scope. The military style .22 rifles, which have a full stock and are made to look like a K.98k, are of more interest to collectors and bring a lot more.

FWIW, few armies actually used .22 rifles for recruit training. Such rifles were usually used by youth organizations to prepare their members for military service. Active and reserve units did sometimes have small bore rifles for use by rifle teams in target shooting, but they were used by skilled marksmen, not by trainees.
