Help with a 1903 Springfield purchase.

Doug S

New member
I posted back in the fall about an opportunity I had to purchase a 1903 Springfield from a childhood friend. We had planned on making the deal in November - but he and his wife were on a cruise - and then the holidays put things on hold. We are now planning on getting together in Feb. I will be posting this on several sites to see in order to get a quick response and to see if there is consensus. Any help would be much appreciated. Below is my basic question...

Hi All - I could use some help on valuing an upcoming purchase. I'm not a "collector" but I've posted on these forums from time to time about my WWII "Man Cave" gun display. They are mixmatched shooters nothing fancy - but I like them. Anyway - I have an opportunity to purchase a 1903 Springfield. The rifle actually belonged to me back in the 1980's when I sold it to a friend while in college. This friend and i had lost contact until a few months ago - when I got a call from him. He was back in the area and wanted to have lunch. During the course of our conversation - he says to me - "I still have that old Springfield you sold me". I hadn't even remembered until he mentioned it. I asked if he was interested in selling it - and he said that he thought I had sold it to him for $400. Now - I'm positive that I didn't sell him the rifle for that much -because it wasn't worth that much back in the 80's when I sold it. However - I didn't want to tell him he was incorrect - so I thought about it - and asked if he'd be willing to sell it back to me for $400 (because I know that are at least that valuable in most cases today if the serial number isn't a low number). He kindly said that although he likes the rifle very much - that he has no use for it - and it's just been sitting in a closest in his parents house. He will sell it to me for $400. (As I said in my intro) We had planned to get together in November - but he and his wife were on a cruise - and then the holidays put everything on hold. We are now planning to get back togther in Feb. In the meantime - I asked if he could send me a couple of pictures of the serial number because I have since read that low serial numbers are dangerous to shoot (something I didn't know back in the 80's). I was hoping it was a higher number - but was surprised to see when he sent me a few (pretty poor) pictures in a text that the gun is only a 66### serial number. My question is - is the rifle still a good value at $400. It has teh original stock. He says that he hasn't altered it in any way. It also has the bayo pictured. I'm thinking even with the low number that it would still make a nice man cave addition and is worth the $400. Can any of you verify from the pictures? Thanks very much for any help - and I apologize for the weird punctuation. I'm on my old laptop- and it won't type commas for some reason. Also I could ask him for more pictures - but I'm trying to be patient and just wait until we get together. I'm happy to know for now that the basic rifle is generally worth the $400. Anything more would be a plus - but not a big concern. I just don't want to throw away $400 on a piece that isn't worth $100. Thanks again.


You're correct, in that it's not a good idea to fire that -03; but, being that it looks to be in unaltered/issue condition, it would be worth considerably more than $400 to Springfield collectors. - somewhere around $1K, if the rifle, sling & bayonet are entirely correct & in VG condition (hard to determine from those pics).

W/O details and/or very detailed pics & measurements, an exact value would be hard to determine, though.

Hi Petah - Thanks very much for the info. I'd be comfortable buying if the rifle is worth teh $4oo I'm putting into it. Anything more is great - but I just want to know if I'm making an unwise financial decision - in case I ever had to sale it. In other words would I take a loss on it - or could I retrieve the money I put into it. If I'm understanding you right - it sounds like the basic rifle would be worth the $400 as long as nothing out of the oridinary has been done to it. I'll take a look at it when he brings it over to be sure.
"shootable" 1903s in good shape, in issue condition run $800-900 at last years gun shows, so I would say that your low number in good shape would always be worth that $400 or the equal value in something other than dollars.

Lots of Springfields have been modified in one way or another, so the supply of guns in original condition, and in decent shape is rather small, which is why they are bringing the money they bring today.

Lots of the low number guns have been in continuous use since they were made, and haven't blown up. But, since there is no way to test them without blowing them up, and no way to know if its never going to let go, or let go on the next shot, we advise not shooting them at all.
The action was apparently made in late 1904, therefore was originally a .30-03caliber rod bayonet rifle. Yours, like nearly all, was upgraded with the 1905 knife bayonet and probably to the '06 cartridge.

There are a lot of things to look for, whether that is the original stock converted for knife bayonet and whether that is the original barrel converted to .30-06.

It is still a low number rifle, best seen as a decorator, but it is a GOOD decorator and might be a VERY good decorator. Not an excellent decorator and true collector's item, maybe, but still pretty good.

I do not know enough more to be much help, but it is worth checking out.
There are some historians here who can help. Jim K and Mike I, among others.
The bayonet is for a Krag, it will fit. but is not "correct".
The Low Number Springfield debate will go on till The Crack of Doom. My understanding-from reading Hatcher-was the problem ones were from specific years, he carefully documents the ones he investigated, in more recent years it's always "I heard it years ago".
I'd buy it for $400, I wouldn't shoot it, but I'd buy it.

I paid over $100 bucks for my Krag Bayonet, so I think its a good deal for a collection.

Again, I wouldn't shoot it.
Thanks everyone for the helpful responses. I've been offline for a couple of days dealing with a bout of the flu. Just getting back online today to check this link. Based on the responses, I definitely plan to pick up the rifle in Feb. Once I get it, I'll post up better pictures. Thanks again for helping me make my decision.