HELP! Which one should I go with?


New member
I want to get a piece of history that I can also shoot for fun with.

Interested in both:
Russian 7.62 Nagant 5" Wheel gun

Hungarian AP7 32ACP , 3" blue

I think they were both military surplus--
what do you think?:D thanks
The Nagant was a standard sidearm in the Soviet army almost through the Second World War. It is unique in the way it loads a round. The cylinder goes forward sealing the cartridge in the chamber.This increase the pressure although why that is a good thing in a wheel gun I don't know. The ammo is Nagant specific, is still made(Hotshot brand) and costs about a buck a shot. They are all over the internet for about 70 bucks. The FEG is a PP copy in .32ACP. I don't think it was ever actually used in the military. It was a police sidearm. The ammo is fairly cheap and easy to get. They can be had for around 129 in most places. FEG made three pistols, all PP copies, in .32, .380 and 9X18. The .380 is solid steel the others are combinations of steel and alloy. Hope this was of some use to you.
The cylinder goes forward sealing the cartridge in the chamber.This increase the pressure although why that is a good thing in a wheel gun I don't know.

This was done to seal the gap between the cylinder and breech, ostensibly to minimize gas pressure loss. If you ever see a large caliber revolver fired, or seen one at night, you'll see fire come out of the cylinder/breech gap.

I've read that it was good for about a 50fps gain, which didn't really justify the extra complexity or the 12lb trigger pull. However, because of the gas seal, it's the only revolver for which a silencer is practical..
I have a nagant pistol, going to make a silencer for it soon. but as said above, the trigger is awfully heavy. If your other choice has a better trigger, get it.