Help the NRA out by rewording their Obama fact sheet


New member
The NRA's fact sheet on Obama here:

Says this:

"FACT: Barack Obama voted against the confirmation of 2 of the 5 Justices that affirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms."

This is poorly written as it makes it seem he supported three of the 5 justices. The fact is that he voted against EVERY pro-2A justice he could (Roberts & Alito), ridiculed almost every pro-2A justices judgment (at planned parenthood & saddleback church) and named most of anti-2A justices as "sensible" (Breyer, Ginsburg and David Souter).

The NRA's sentence could be vastly improved but I'm not sure what is the best way. My best attempt:

Fact: Obama voted against every justice he could that said the 2nd amendment supported individual rights and ridiculed the judgment of almost all of the pro-2A justices. He also claims that 3 of the 4 justices that ruled the second amendment is collective or state government right are the "sensible" ones.

If you feel like any of the other points on the NRA sheet need to be reworded feel free to help the NRA out on those as well.
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Different variant:

Fact: During Obama's short tenure as a US Senator, he has voted against the appointment of every justice that would go on to rule the second amendment protected individual rights. He has ridiculed the judgment of almost every one of the pro-rights justices that are currently on the court. He has also claimed that 3 out of 4 of the justices that ruled the second amendment did not protect an individual right are the "sensible" ones and are the kind he'd like to appoint to the Supreme Court.