Help settle an argument about muzzle breaks


New member
Do postban muzzle breaks dull muzzle flash at night?

I don't think so, but I have a friend who insists that they do. He swears that a postban muzzle break still has a flash suppresor affect.
I'm not positive, but I would think that if your muzzle breaks when you fire the rifle, there could be a lot of flash along with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. ;) On the other hand, I don't think a muzzle brake will suppress the flash very much, and may indeed accentuate it.
well muzzle brakess DO make your gun LOUDER and I can't tell nay accuracy difference shooting with my adjustable brake open or closed. (Savage 116 fsak w/amb). But the people BESIDE me sure notice.

same goes for AK74 style brakes on ar-15/ak 74 rifles. Makes them VERY loud but also DOES direct muzzle blast UP and away from the shooter (you kick up less dust but you can see more flash).

The idea of "flash suppressors" is NOT to HIDE the flash but direct it away from the shooter to prevent "flash blindness" at night. Russian AK 47/74 HAVE NO FS, and they teach night fighting techinques extensively.

If you REALLY want a flash supressor.. buy a mini 14/m1a you can still get them POST BAN with these features.

VORTEX makes great pin-on FS's but putting them on your rifle MAY violate Sec 922R OR the 94 crime bill. check with your local law enforcement and stay legal.

'nuff said,


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited November 12, 1999).]
In theory, postban (I assume you are talking AR15 and the like) muzzle brakes do not reduce flash. I say in theory, because if they did reduce flash, then it would be considered a flash suppressor as well, and that would be a illegal on a postban, and the company who was selling the "muzzle brake" would get into trouble....
My AK Brake on my AR15's vents the flash mostly to the sides. When looking through the optic and shooting in low light, flash doesn't bother me too much.


Ban the bans.
Muzzle breaks and flash suppressors are two different critters. Muzzle breaks serve to deflect gas and in doing so, help reduce the recoil and muzzle rise. On the other hand, flash suppressors reduce the visible muzzle flash. Go for the latter if low night signature is your concern.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Muzzle breaks do/do not stifle flash, and on many combinations, actually increase/decrease muzzle flash. I bought a muzzle break from a great gun parts web site It DECREASED the climb on my Colt Match Target Competition HBAR II, but INCREASED the visible nighttime flash by about 25%. The same brake decreased flash by about 40% on my Colt Match Target Competition HBAR, but did not do much concerning muzzle climb. The only difference between those two rifles is 4 inches of HBAR and 3 pounds of weight. You figure it out.
I didn't catch that the first time, thanks.

I is a college student, I got good spellin and grammar and stuff.

Looks like I win this bet. Thanks guys. :)