All of my friends are trying to push me into getting a 9mm handgun, saying that it is better for home defense. Please advise.
All things being equal the 12bore shotgun has no equal for close quarters home defense. A couple of reasons come to mind:
-Power. One blast of 00buck contains 9 to 12 .33cal (?) pieces of lead. That's about the same as an entire magazine of 9mm's. A slug round is devistating to say the least, even at ranges out to 100yds (if you can hit something that far out).
-Versatility. You can load it with anything from bird shot to 000buck/slugs or any combination in between. Maybe you've got kids in the house so you choose to get upclose and personal with several rounds of #7 shot. At 10-15ft the pattern would be about 3-5" in diameter (depending on choke) w/ almost an ounce of lead but you've limited the risk of overpenetrating interior walls - Good for the kids. If you're like me and live alone then it's open season on intruders. I load up with 6rnds of 00buck and 2 slug rnds + 2 #6 magnum 3" onboard. I can swap out the chambered 00buck for a slug round and go long range or through semi-hard cover in less than 2 seconds. Another pump and I'm back to 00buck.
-Accuracy. Shoulder fired weapons are more accurate than pistols for obvious reasons, especially when the SHTF stress hits you and the monkey is on your back. Tunnel vision and loss of fine motor skills are, in some part, mitigated using a long gun. You MUST aim a shotgun contrary to popular belief. This doesn't mean you have to be precise but pointing in the general direction of a threat will NOT get it done.
Training is also key. Shotgun tactics are different than sidearm tactics in some ways. How do you round corners and get through funnels with a shotgun vs. handgun? How do you open doors? Weapon retention? All this stuff needs to be thought out with the weapon of choice in mind.
And, of course, all this is under the "all things being equal" premise. If you are an expert shot with a pistol but haven't handled a shotgun before then maybe the shotgun isn't the appropriate tool. Use what you know, know what you use. Practice Practice Practice.