HELP Please / How to legally ...


New member
This topic may have been answered before, but I need some help.

What is the legal way for 2 people in different states to swap pistols?
The ironclad way is to ship it between two FFL holders. As far as I know, if you are in Georgia, a private sale is legal between two individuals even if one is an out of state resident as long as they are both in the state of Georgia.
Sparticus is correct. However It is unlawful for me By Iowa Law to purchuse a handgun in Georgia.
This Briliant "LAW" has never to my knowlage been enforced. Mostly because there are rarely if ever any on duty Iowa LEOs in Georgia. And the LEO is there, he is probably buying the Handgun in the first place.
Just like it is unlawful under Washington Law for a Washington Driver's license holder to drive a vehicle with any license plate but Washington's while out of State.
Don't you just love STUPID laws that are completely unenforcable.
Yeah, Raymond, but it's just sitting there like a landmine. Waiting to blow someone's foot off. Just wait-some Iowan DA will get a chance to add one more charge on some poor fool one day. That will be the cherry on top.