Help pass the hearing and protection act

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Until 5 good (civilian) guys with suppressed weapons stop a coordinated armed assault of a dozen terrorist inside a very large building with thousands of innocents there, I’m with Double 0.
every time I write to my senators here in NY all I get back is a form letter full of the same BS Both my senators try to act pro second amendment but both voted for every gun law in NY including the Safe Act
every time I write to my senators here in NY all I get back is a form letter full of the same BS Both my senators try to act pro second amendment but both voted for every gun law in NY including the Safe Act
That’s because virtually all congress persons use an auto responding program that looks at your letter then gives you a canned answer based on the subject and your stated position.

Send them a letter saying you want gun / gopher / golf ball control and another letter (using your middle name) that you don’t and you’ll swear they support both positions.
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