Help on understanding barrels


Looking to purchase first shotgun (Remington 870) but I need help on understanding barrels. What is the application difference between the 20” Imp. Cylinder and the 20” fully rifled?
Fully rifled is for sabot slugs it basically turns your shotgun into a 100yd rifle and sub 2" groups arent all that uncommon.

For General Purpose the Imp Cyl is gonna serve you much better.

Hope that helps
For absolutely the most versatility, a smoothbore 20" bbl with choke tubes is the ticket. One can adjust the pattern to any load and range.

The 20" bbls I've seen mostly have rifle sights, great for slugs, good for HD and CD, not so great for shooting flying stuff. A 21" turkey bbl will do less well for slugs, better for wingshooting and about the same for the "Serious" stuff.