Help on identifying Remington 700


New member
Hi, my father bought a used in very good condition Remington Model 700 today and is having some trouble with what model it is (ADL, BDL, etc.) and the approximate value. It is a model 700 black synthetic stock, SS barrel, the bolt has swirls on it and the receiver is completely covered with engraving from the factory. It is a 7mm magnum and is ported at the end of the barrel. It has no sights but is drilled and tapped for a scope. The serial number is T62381xx. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
BDL has a floorplate. ADL has a blind magazine. Remington has made many variations of their rifles over the years. Pics would help. It sounds like a limited run of some sort. It sounds a lot like the Sendero, but I don't recall them being ported, or with a lot of engraving.

Can you tell if it is a quality stock, such as HS Precision, or one of the cheapo tupperware versions. I'm betting it is a quality stock. It is possibly a custom shop rifle or even ported after it left the factory.
The person he bought it from said he had to order it and paid over $1100 for it, however, you know how that goes. I gave my dad Remington's phone number to call Monday but I thought I would try to help him by asking here. I'm a semiauto pistol person myself so I know nothing about rifles. The porting was supposed to have been done at the factory. The mag is visible and removable. I can't tell about the stock material but I can tell you it is a heavy rifle. I hope this info helps.
I agree with above questions.


Is the action blued or stainless?
If there is a floor plate, what is it made of?
When was the gun originally acquired?
Do you know what, if anything was done after acquisition?
If it is factory engraving, I suspect that the Remington Custom Shop can tell you quite a lot about this rifle.
Hi. Sounds like a custom built rifle to me. Any chance of a picture?
The receiver SS? Remington has never made a 700 with a blued receiver with a ported SS barrel. A detachable mag doesn't mean much. There are kits to do that.
Swirls on the bolt is called jewelling. Holds oil better.
Assuming it's a custom built rifle, it's hard to put a value on it. Custom built rifles, just like a custom built pistol, are very personal things. What I want on a firearm isn't necessarily what you want. Both are still custom made.
Thanks to everyone for the questions. The floorplate is visible and appears to be stainless, it is finished in the same manner as the stainless barrel which my dad says is satin. Didn't ask him about the action, I will talk to him later this morning and find that out. The person that he purchased it from was the original owner, he said he had to order it. I did try to look up some info on it by the serial number and the only thing I could find was the first letter of the serial number - "T" - indicating it was made in 1999. Don't know if anything was done after purchase. The receiver is stainless steel; I know nothing about engraving but it appears to me it is factory but I don't know what type of quality work can be done by a private person as far as making it look like it came that way. I will tell him to ask for the custom shop. Hope this info helps.
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If "T" is the beginning of the serial number it most likely is a 700 Titanium. Remiington's entry into the super lightweight rifle market. It has now been replaced with the Alaskan.
I was under the impression the "T" at the beginning of the serial number was an indicator of the year it was manufactured, in this case 1999. More info is appreciated. Thanks
I found a website with specs on the 700 titanium, it said that rifle weighs only 5 1/4 lbs. I am very sure his rifle weighs more than that. From all of the info everyone has provided here I believe it to be a BDL stainless steel from the custom shop. I will talk to him later tonite and check more thoroughly the date codes. He is going to call the custom shop tomorrow, I wll report with his findings.

* Just found one more bit of info. Remington made a model 700 SS DM-B. The DM stands for detachable magazine which his is. The "B" stands for barrel break which I am GUESSING means porting. Is this correct?
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Call Remington 800.243.9700 parts to order a small cheap part. Give the lady the serial number (required anyway) and she’ll tell you all you want to know about the rifle (as it left the factory, that is).

Faster, cheaper than in time spent Googling, and accurate without any “I think you have a...”

You can also download a complete manual from Remington from on the internet, or could some time back. I did.
I would like to say thanks to everyone for their help. My dad called Remington and found that the rifle is a model 700 BDL DM-B. It was made in 1998-99 and came from the factory with the engraving on the receiver which was available these 2 years. The "DM" stands for detachable magazine and the "B" stands for muzzle break, or porting, which of course was done at the factory. I just thought I would pass on this info since everyone was so helpful over the weekend. Cheers!