help on Argentinian Mauser (made in 1909)


New member
Hello all:

My friend's father just acquired an Argentinian Mauser that was made in 1909. Somebody told him that the steel is "soft" and he should get it heat treated first before firing it, otherwise, it may not be able to handle the pressure of modern ammo. I thought a 7.65 Argentine cartridge made in 2001 is the same with the one made in 1909 (pressure wise).

Any help would be appreciated.

Johannes, I'd have to disagree with your father's friend. First re-heat treating actions is a last resort. There's just too good a chance that they will become brittle. Second, the 1909 Argentine is as strong as any other 98 action. These were made in Germany by DWM on contract for Argentina. George
Johan. I have to go along with George. My 1909 Argentine has been made into a .280 remington, and it works just fine. You shouldn't have any problem with it.
Paul B.
I just would like to express my gratitude to both of you, George Stringer and Paul B. Thank you for your helpfull replies.
