help on a letter


New member
I am planning on sending to following letter to all members of Congress and the White House. I hve not intentionally copied anyone but the ideas in the letter are much the same as ideas posted here and ideas that I have read. If you see any parts where credit needs to be given or have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to let me know.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The time has come to lay our cards on the table.

The very freedom that this great country was founded on is being eroded. I, along with millions of gun owners, believe the time has come for gun control advocates to stand with courage and state what their goals are. We have had enough back door politics. State the goal and let us fight it out in court.

I am what gun control advocates consider a "gun nut." I am also a law-abiding citizen. I am the Director of Security for the company I work for. I attended a military college. I have been honorably discharged from the Marine Corp. I am directly and indirectly responsible for the arrest of over two hundred criminals. Yet I am the one whose freedom is being taken away. I can not understand the irony.

There are evil people in our society and I completely understand that guns help evil people to do evil things. You need to completely understand the evil is within the person. Evil is not found in an inanimate object. Punish those that deserve it and punish them hard but leave the rest of us alone.

The gun is not worth fighting for. The freedom it represents is. How can gun control advocates stand there and completely ignore the very principals this country was founded on? Have they not read the Bill of Rights? Or the Constitution? Do they really want their children growing up in the type of society that will emerge if they accomplish what they are setting out to do? History repeats itself.

Make no mistake about it. Gun owners are not the imbeciles you portray them as. We know what the goal is-confiscation. We will not stand by and let it happen. I for one, promise you that I will not turn in one gun. Never. I will destroy everything I own before I give gun control advocates the satisfaction of seeing me turn in one article of freedom. State what you want and listen to the courts. Listen to the people.

The time has come to lay our cards on the table.

Eric A. Yarnell
1) Thanks for being a Marine. (Keeping an old promise...)
2) Great letter!
3) If you would like to add the names of like-minded people, I'd be proud to have my name on a sheet following and supporting your letter.
4) Realize that such letters document us as government targets.

I feel like I'm a target anyway. With the amount of 4473's and class 3 stuff I've filled out, I'm sure I'm close to the top of any database they have already. I'm going to say what I feel and the hell with PC. I wish Wahsington would do the same.

BTW- Thank you for the reply Dennis. Although I put some thought into the letter, I'm still not in your writing ability league.

Its good as is...salient points made, not overly verbose, concise.
Even your spelling is exemplary

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I would say it's too long. Politicians today think in sound bites and anything over a paragraph causes massive attention loss.

A couple of points. The Senator/Congressman never sees your letter. A secretary glances at it, counts it as pro or anti whatever issue is involved. The counts interest the politician, the verbiage does not.

Still, personal letters count for much more than bulk mailing and computer generated post cards or e-mail. Phone calls count, but again, keep it short and sweet; don't rant and for God's sake don't threaten.

Many pols have their staff bounce the name on the letter against the voter registration records (public information) in their districts. NO VOTE, NO VOICE. Why should they (or anyone else) listen to someone who doesn't give a enough of a damn about the country to even get off his lazy a-s and vote?

Also, they bounce against contributors; even a $200 contributor has more say than a $0 contributor. Maybe that is not the way it should be, but money talks, s--t walks.

I don't doubt you for a moment. But they had better start listening to voices of serious Americans. It is not only money that talks. The Spirit of 1776 is rearing its head and paper money is damned poor protection against an M-1.
My only recommendation is to lay in a goodly supply of gas masks and fire extinguishers.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
I just got home....I'm drunk, I'm angry and I want blood.

He said it well...Screw them all into the ground

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
An excellent letter. I, like Dennis, would be proud to have my name added to it. Possibly you could turn it into a petition with many names on it. A letter signed by one person can be ignored, a letter signed by 1000 can't.

It's a shame common sense isn't more common.
I would sign it as well. I always ask a member of congress for a reply.You are right that they already know. They dont care because they have the power. We dont need to get their attention.We need to get their power.

Better days to be,
