help!--new Glock 36 problem


New member
I'm in the process of breaking in a new Glock 36. Through 400 rounds--all 230g FMJ factory loads--no problems. In the last 100 the gun began to exhibit a distressing pattern: the slide would fail to lock back at full rear position; instead it would pull back maybe 3/4 of an inch. This would happen both at the end of a mag and mid-mag. I'd say this happened at least ten times. Only solution: remove the magazine, rack the slide, eject a remaining round, and re-load. Is this an ammunition problem? A magazine problem? A gun problem? Or a user problem? The head honcho at the range, who said he was a Glock Armorer, checked out the magazines and thought they were okay. (The ammo was American Eagle FMJ.) He thought it could be a case of "limp-wristing." I don't know, it's possible, but I haven't had the problem with either of my other Glocks (26, 30). Maybe the power-to-weight ratio of this gun, combined with fatigue?--could that be it?

Ideas welcome. I'd rather think it's me than that it requires repair work.
Clean gun, repeat test using different ammo.
When (if) troubles re-appear have different shooter attempt to duplicate troubles. Then you'll know if it's a 'limping' problem.
Is the brass in the chamber retained by the extractor still or has the slide traveled backwards without it?
I had a similar problem, which I traced back to the magazines. The polymer around the metal feed lips was to thick and slowing the slide on the feed. I trimmed the polymer around the lips and no more problems. Re-check the magazines and check that area.
A problem with a Glock?

I'm Shocked,just shocked to hear that there is a problem with a Glock. I had heard they were so reliable. (I'm joking for the humor impaired). Sorry couldn't resist ;)
Well-noted: cleanliness may be a factor. I'll make sure the gun is properly cleaned and lubed prior to the next session, where I plan to run 50 rounds out of each of four magazines. I tend to think this problem emanates from the magazine, however, either a particular one or the design itself.

Pittspilot: On the whole my experience with Glocks has been very favorable--why else would I own three?--but I don't worship at the Church of Glock, or any other brand of tool. I respect Glock engineering but don't dismiss or discount competing product. I know with the rabid partisanship for the Smyrna contingent it's hard not to enjoy the prospect of a halo being knocked a bit askew. I do expect to resolve this. Stay tuned.