Help needed


New member
I have a question regarding the step elevator sight adjustment on the model 94. If the step elevator is all the way down as seen in the picture, is that set for 25 yards? Also, each step up is at 25 or 50 yard increments of an adjustment?


Range-Time is in order

Also, each step up is at 25 or 50 yard increments of an adjustment?

Generically it could be but cannot definitively say as there are too many variables. At any rate, you will want to confirm this for yourself, I know I would. …. ;)

Be Safe !!!
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All the way down is for close range, all the way up is for long range. In between is for intermediate ranges. EXACTLY where it is zeroed is determined by the load and bullet weight you choose. And to a certain extent by how you hold the rifle. It won't be exactly the same for 2 different people.

You're going to just have to shoot it and see. I'd set the elevator so that it was zeroed at about 75 yards with the ammo I intended to use. At closer ranges it won't be off enough to matter and at ranges out to 100-125 you won't need much, if any holdover to hit big game. If you want shoot farther more experimenting will be needed. If you change to another bullet weight, or even different manufacturer it might be off enough to need readjustment. Might be close enough. But you have to shoot it to find out.
Thank you and I was just hoping for an approximation of what the intervals might be. I think I recall hearing that each step up is approximately 50 yards and that would be a start.

There are 4 notches on that step elevator and I will assume that they are 50 yards each and go from there. I’m only interested in testing it out to 50 yards with open sights. I have a scoped model 94 that I use for long range hunting…long range for me is anywhere from 100 to 130 yards Max.

Thank you everyone for your input… I greatly appreciate it :)


I believe those stepped elevators are a generic part. That sight might be installed on a .22,a .357,a 30-30,and a .444.

The good news? You can go to the range and ,by trial and error,shooting and looking at targets,learn by doing what ranges the steps work.Like a broken clock that is right twice a day,each step is right for SOME range.It might be just right at 25,72,112,and 140 yds.Or,???. Better to find out than assume or predict.

The experienced gun crank might spend a day at the range with a little file and he might file those steps to be just right at a particular range with a specific load. The same gun crank might think ahead enough to get a spare elevator ramp or two before he starts filing.
For the 30-30 I would set the sights for about 1"-2" high at 100 yds. This should give you dinner plate range to 150yds.

“For the 30-30 I would set the sights for about 1"-2" high at 100 yds. This should give you dinner plate range to 150yds.


I watched a test video on YouTube where this gentleman tested different 3030 cartridges… ...150 grain and 170 grain. He did the test along with two other shooters and they all achieved the same results. Regardless of the weight grain, raising the step elevator up one notch or down rendered 2 inches high or 2 inches low Depending whether the step elevator was raised or lowered for each shooter.

I’m only interested in 50 yards max with open sights… So I will definitely test this out with the first notch on the step elevator just for kicks and giggles.