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Help Needed

The buttons that show up at the top of all pages are just large enough to cause the browser to spill over to the right. Can someone with the ability please trim them down and email them to me, preserving the same names?

Also,,there's a buton at the top of most frames that says "New Thread"...I need this one replaced with a color/style that matches the others ("Post Reply").

To avoid duplication of work, if someone takes this on, please post here first.
Thanks much.
what resolution are you viewing this at? at 1024x768 everything looks fine. are you referring to the blue buttons at top/right such as user cp, register, calendar, etc?

Yes...you have the correct buttons.
The spillover can be controlled on my system, but not on all I think.

Prior to this version, we had put the buttons in two rows, specifically to correct that problem. Howeever, if I can get them downsized (loose blank space in each, as opposed to simply making them smaller), the issue will be resolved for all time. I know it's no small task I'm asking.

vB had about 200 templates and changes to them (even simple ones) are just a real PITA to track every time there's a new version. One of the reasons we got caught with our pants down was that I had put off upgrading for several months due to workload involved. If I can get some assistance in staying as close as possible to the default templates, it'll assure us of timely installs of new releases.
I am on my way out the door but if no one else volunteers I do have Photoshop and can help. I will check back later this evening or tomorrow.


I did the button changes before, so I'll go ahead and change them again.

I'll start with the "New Topic" button and will do any others as needed.

I changed the "reply" button slightly, and made the "new thread" button match, so both should look OK now.

Give 'em a try and let me know if you would like further modifications.


