HELP!!! Need revolver suggestions!

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Hello. I have a friend that needs help in choosing a handgun for (home defense).

I'm reasonably knowledgeable about semi-automatics but do not think one would be the best choice for him due to his tight budget and lack of experience. He is not a "gun person" therefore, I think a revolver would be a better choice for him. I gave him a little advice but I haven't kept up on revolvers and their pricing in years.

Can any of you revolver fans please suggest some brands that are of good quality, yet moderately priced. He is looking for a .38 or larger caliber.

Along with the make/model of gun you suggest, could you also list an approx. price new/used. I'll introduce him to the gun store in a few days.


Hello, DWM. I'm not up on used prices or even current ones for revolvers. Still, I offer these suggestions to try and help. First, I think S&W makes the best defensive revolvers in the world, but don't argue with anyone choosing a Ruger instead. Taurus revolvers have served me well and their quality has really come up in the last few years. I suggest a plain 4" bbl S&W K-frame for your friend's defensive use assuming he learns how to use it. A S&W Model 10 heavy bbl police "trade in" would be inexpensive and a bit of holster wear wouldn't lessen its effectiveness, only the price. It is a fair statement that for quality received, in this age of automatics, one pays only about half as much for the revolver. In the k-framed revolver with 4" bbl, your friend could surely handle something like WW, Fed, or Remington plus p 158 gr LSWCHPs. These plain lead bullets would hit close to point of aim on a fixed sighted revolver and are fairly potent. Best.
With defensive shooting in mind, one criteria must be satisfied: reliablity. You can't beat Ruger in this category. They are built tough and can absorb more abuse than the S&W or Colt.

If funds are limited, I would consider a used S&W as they are moderately priced (under $200). Not to discount used Rugers, but I don't come across them as frequently as I do S&W or Colts.

While Taurus works, I have a dislike for their lockwork. It is very simplified from S&W. If you want to read more, check out some old threads onTaurus where I discuss the safety advantages of S&W over Taurus. There's also an old thread where I discussed the lockwork of the various makes.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
DWM; I'm no expert but here are my thoughts. I just bought a S&W model 19 for $279.95. At the same gunshop there was a taurus model 85 3" barrel (38 cal) for $169.95. The S&W is in near new condition. The taurus the same. I think a .357 maggie is more versatile. I'm not a big fan of the new small magnums on the market. Full frame K or L smith or taurus would do fine. If there's no need for deep concealment I go with a 4" barrel.However, I prefer the 21/2" barrel because it fits in my fanny pack. Good luck.
I agree with the above S&W suggestions but would like to add the Ruger GP100 or a Security Six. Definitely buy used if you have someone who is knowledgeable about pistols and knows what to look for as far as wear & tear. You should be able to find these in the $300 - $400 area if you can find them. The S&W's are more plentiful.

The most important thing is to step up to the firing line and get proficient at using the gun. It won't do you any good if you don't know how to use it and use it well.

Have your friend take a gun safety course too!

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I would also agree on a K frame Smith in whatever persuasion desired, starting with a M10; the options from there are nice but not vital. The police trade-ins are time-tested and good value for the money. Your friend, or for that matter, any of us, could get along forever with one of them. A good basic training course is just as important--maybe more important--than the gun.

Ruger GP100 or the SP101.

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
My favorite K frame is the M66 w/4"bbl. There are a lot of police dept trade-ins on the used market.

Better days to be,

I would go for a 3" Stainless K-frame with round butt (M64 or M65). If your friend decides to carry it, the shorter barrel and round butt makes a much better carry package, unless you are a really big guy.
In my Acadamy we had an old Ruger GP100 revolver that we threw against cinder block walls, Up into the air to land on the pavement, ran over with a patrol cat, spun a wheel on it...

And then took it to the range and qualified with it. That is one tough gun.
The rear sight was busted off - the gun was scraped and just plain ugly - but it still worked just fine. I dont think a SMITH could have done that!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Ah, ok George - but what made you so mad at the Ruger in the first place? ;)

Good advice S&W or Ruger (personally i favor the GP-100). Rossi was absorbed by Taurus, but yes, their guns are also good - the more recent ones. I have a four year old Rossi tho' - 357, dont recall the model, 2" and smooth cylinder (ie no cannelures) - that has the smoothest action straight out of the box of any 357 (including a Python) that I've ever come across, but that was surely a fluke.
Actually it was my instructor that started that... It was a confiscated gun as I rebember. And he just wanted to see how tough it was. No Formal Rationalization - We just didn't like Rugers. We still don't - but we all agreed that if we had to buy a wheel gun - it would be a Ruger!

Take your other round guns and park an Impala on it - the front tire... then turn the wheel lock to lock 3 times. See if it is still serviceable... Don't even bother with the throw tests...

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
The 'durability test' mentioned above was regularly done by Ruger reps, initially with the old Security Six series guns. I carried one daily for my last fifteen years on the job in addition to running qualifications for some 50 officers also carrying the same basic guns. They were suitable for everyone from beginner to master shooter and the Timex of guns. The Smiths are more elegant and usually smoother, but not as strong. The GPs are heck for stout, but too heavy for my taste. I have a number of Sixes and yes, still carry Old Reliable.
Ruger GP100 with 3 or 4 inch bbl. The only thing to consider is the fact that the rugers can come with fixed or adjustable sights and with that different grip sizes are available. I myself am in the market for a GP100 with a 3 inch barrel and fixed sights and compact grips. It will serve as a field gun while hunting, hiking, or camping.

Having had S&W revolvers in our inventory
for over 20 years. ( still being used )
I would have to say they rae the best.
Rugers, Smiths, Colts, Tauri. Can't go wrong with any of them as long as they are at least a four inch and a .357 mag.
Quality can never substitute for training, so this fella needs to invest in some ammo and trigger time first. I'd suggest a local range with rental guns if any are available. I'd never recommend a used revolver to a newby who's never gonna be a "Gun Guy", He should get a new stainless piece of good quality and burn at least 500 rounds through it to prove it's ability as well as his own.

Thanks guys for all of the responses to my revolvers question. I've jotted down all of your suggestions and will have something to go by when I introduce him to the gun world.

Thanks again,

My fav. is a S&W 4" 586 (blue) or 686 (stainless)...

Really GREAT GUNS ! I really really really wish I still had mine :)

Can't get any better than that.. check out I've seen some decent deals on used ones.

Good luck to your friend !

Lose that nickel plated sissy pistol, get yourself a GLOCK !
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