Help, need Beretta parts soon.

Dennis K.

My 16 yo grandson has a Beretta AL2 that he has used shooting trap on his high school trap team. This is his second year and has become one or the top shooters breaking 97 of 100 last Wednesday. On Thursday the gun broke down only to find that the local gunsmith is unable to find a replacement part. The part that locks the bolt in firing position fractured. He is quite upset that changing guns now will affect his performance at the MN state meet in mid june. Can anyone suggest where I might find a part. I can be reached via email at Thank you for any help.
You are talking about a discontinued gun............try Numrich, Rich Cole at ColeGuns, or maybe Joel Etchen.
With less than three weeks, any repair will be tight on time

He can use my old 1100 and hopefully a part can be found for next year. I will try your suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Cole is THE Beretta guru (and a factory authorized warranty and repair place). If anyone can fix it, they should be the one. Numrich is a parts place for discontinued guns, but IIRC, they do not do repairs. Etchen is a large Beretta dealer and also does repairs.