Help me with this Spanish Mauser


New member
Been wanting a Spanish for awhile now but I seldom see them in stores. And... I don't know much about them.

I can't tell if this one is a carbine or if it has been chopped. The barrel seems to be about 20" in length, and perhaps part of the handguard has been removed? Did they make these in carbine length?

Store has it listed for $155. Not a lot of cash to be sure, but the one guy who can headspace it isn't there and won't be there tomorrow (and today is about the only day i'll be in town for the next year... so its either buy today, or pass). It's been in the store for quite awhile, from what I understand... and since I cant be sure if it's safe to shoot, it will be a $155 gamble since a new bolt, or barrel, or whatever else would be required to get it to headspace could easily exceed the price of the rifle.

Given this limited bit of information, and the rather sorry pictures I took in the store... pass, or buy? I am not looking for a rare piece, I just like shooting mil surp rifles (I have 8 now).... but I don't necessarily want to buy a problem, especially if it has ZERO collector value.


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Well, the collector value of a Spanish 7mm Mauser is not zero but it sure isn't very high. If the gun appears to be in good shape, it is worth the money asked but it is no great investment. For the most part, those guns headspace OK if the bolt matches, but there is always a possibility it might be a bad one. Your choice; if it doesn't work out, you can probably unload it without losing very much.

I have one I paid $100 for and I like it. It's still in 7x57mm. My stock has lots of dings and is a very dark brown. You offer him a little less and see if they will take it.

Hm. I just knew I would get good responses after I had already left town. Maybe I can get by there sometime next week... It has been there several months as far as I know.